Hmmm, I see that a2k has not yet changed its clocks! All right!!! Be strong. Hold firm! Do not go down that too-bright, daylight-savings road.
I can go down that long and dark road because I have a tiny flashlight for emergenices.
The correct time is 11:03 am (EST)....
Man, time changes really screw up the cat's every-12-hours insulin schedule.
Keep one clock for the Kitten and a 2nd for yourself. Should work out OK.
Bt the way....what is a "Content Specialist"?
Content specialists contribute data and (formatted) information served and distributed on webpages. This may (or may not) involve the use of multi-media, editorial content, databases, forms, schedules, coding in HTML, Flash, or Java script. For example in a loose broad sense, we here on A2K, could be considered content specialists.
More precisely, technical writers, as a profession, can be considered as content specialists if their output is designed to provide formatted info on an intranet or Internet site. Web designers are often considered as content specialists; however, Webmasters often are not.
Here's a similarly defined website definition of the job as a Content Adminsitrator:
"Responsible for the design, organization, and overall navigation of Web site. Manage web pages and hyperlinks, support multi-media content, provides file management of published media, tracking and reporting usage of technology and providing genera l technical support for content providers. Ensure quality and content of I-net services. "