This annual study is a valuable tool for shaping economic policy and guiding investment decisions. It is one of the leading monitors of the competitive condition of economies worldwide. Produced in collaboration with leading academics and a global network of 122 Partner Institutes, The Global Competitiveness Report has expanded its geographic coverage over the years and now assesses 117 economies. The report is unique in that the methodology combines publicly available data with survey data that captures the perceptions and observations of business leaders in a given country.
Quote: Country Rankings 2005-2006
1. Finland
2. USA
3. Sweden
4. Denmark
5. Taiwan
6. Singapore
7. Iceland
8. Switzerland
13.United Kingdom
16. New Zealand
Full rankings
by Professor Klaus Schwab
Quote:The publication of this year's Global Competitiveness Report provides an opportunity to examine some of the key economic issues confronting the international community.
The global economy is expected to grow by some 4.25 percent in 2005, nearly one percentage point less than in 2004, when the rapid expansion of global trade delivered the best growth performance for world output of the past decade. Notwithstanding a slowdown in industrial production and global trade, and the adverse impact of higher oil prices, the short-term outlook suggests solid growth, at least through the end of 2006.
The Global Competitiveness Report is a contribution to enhancing our understanding of the key ingredients of economic growth and prosperity. By highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of an economy, policymakers and business leaders are offered an important tool to assist them in the formulation of improved economic policies and institutional reforms.
World Economic Forum