OKAY,,,you Guyzzz:
pwayfarer (
thread). " Thanks!! "
Stradee (my fave bird sound is your nick, fyi).
"Marry Andrew!!", (oops, imperative-typo).
"Good to see you, MErry Andrew!!!!!!!"
ehBeth---- "Hey, baby Canoe Queen of the Mounties! " xo
danon5-- "How's the Rodeo,,, Renaissance-Man??"
Joan Lee " Hi' Pupster Empress'.... & "welcome."
devriesjay,,, <j> "nice to meet you", (nice plumage, you have)
teenyboone's farm "Looove your vint!'"
UL!!! ('Smart Blonde' Award winner).
aaaaaaaahhh,,,ahhhh,,, oh yeah:
"Aa, (in absentia)--.. how a r e you??"
To those I may have missed (Sumac,,Matrix,,etc.)
Or those yet to come.... "Howdy"!
p.s. My 1st post sounded wayyy too sedate. :wink: