Fri 4 Apr, 2003 03:50 pm
Lol this one's funny:
Two vertical 750 ft posts have a 1000 ft rope stretched between their top most points. The rope sags to within 250 ft from the ground. How far apart are the posts?
A song from Smashing Pumpkins that I like is Zero.
An answer of "26 ft" is correct (but only when the rope is a rubber band).
Psst... Craven already answered this one. Remember, the rope is 1000 ft long, so the midpoint (lowest point when it sags) is 500 ft...
hmm. I was quite f***ng sure I'd had this figured out. Will have to ponder it. Got to go now to check out the the post from PlAyBoy Bu**y at 7:28. A purely academic exercise, of course. -rjb-
lol it's a paradox guys the answer is 0 ft
cool im enthusiast in training