Seasons Greetings from the Kuvasz Ranch!
Kodi is a big thirteen today. I was not betting any money in September that she would see this day. So this is a great day, especially when she looks so good. She had a great little birthday party with lots of tasty treats (mostly turkey with stuffing, and a little cranberry sauce
a touch of vanilla ice cream too). The other dogs dotted over her as I gave her a birthday grooming.
She is getting around as good as she has been lately and is walking up and down the ramp better than she has been in a month. So, that is good to see. The last two nights I have had her inside at night since it has been cold and wet outside. .. I can see that she is dreaming about chasing rabbits or her sister Aja like in the old days, because every so often you can hear her growl in her sleep and her back feet begin moving a mile a minute.
Raja now sleeps as close to Kodi as he can (without her snapping at him). So he has acclimated to the pack hierarchy now, even though he is getting beat up once in a while by Abba, Doc, or Luckie; Aja usually just barks at him ands he leaves her alone. The others actually use corporal punishment on him
and Little Bit still uses her Chihuahua Kung Fu on Raja.
Last night, I just sat on the floor with Kodi on a sleeping bag and groomed her. Whenever it looked like she was falling asleep and I began to get up she throw her big paw out to stop me and the brushing would start all over again. Having the other dogs falling all over me for attention was a trip, but each dog also got a good brushing before the end of the evening.
I cooked my turkey last night so the treats started about 10PM Christmas Eve when I pulled the turkey out of the oven, and the pack got to eat their fair share of some turkey.
This morning I gave the pack their Christmas presents, three squeaky toys and six rawhide strips and they went wild. Each ate their own rawhide strip, then Aja grabbed one squeaky toy and ran away with it. Kodi barked and pushed her way to another, and then collected the other and sat guarding them from squeaky toy rustlers for the better part of two hours, until she got hungy when she smelled me microwaving some turkey and stuffing.
I brought Kodi in at sunset she and ate dinner with me and Little Bit. (I pushed out the other dogs from the house and gave them biscuits so Kodi could eat in peace in the kitchen).
Then afterwards, each other dog got a small bowl of dog food mixed with some turkey, a piece of sweet potato, some stuffing and a touch of cranberry sauce.. but NO turkey skins (that flatulence problem again!).
We all (even Little Bit) took a long walk around the fence perimeter as the sun went down to walk off our big dinner and even Kodi walked a fair ways, (sneaky gal, she knows the short cuts). We had a lot of tree damage from the ice storm last week and there are two fallen pine trees and large limbs strewn all over the far back yard.
So now they are all lying around the house like a bunch of well feed lions, and I can hear Kodi snoring as she sleeps on the sleeping bag in the living room.
It was a good day for her. I am glad she made it to her birthday. Now we have another goal and that is for her to make it until springtime!
Now for Kodi's Christmas pix!