I left town for a business trip a few minutes after my last post on this thread - so didn't see the bangs. I think they really work.
Dasha, I thought about your hair while I was at my meeting. About 200 insurance/legal people in Michigan. About 40 of the women had your straightened/no-bang thing. Great look if you're a woman working in an office in the mid-west
Truthfully, seeing so much of it made it look really old-school.
Hair grows <shrug>. That's one of the reasons it's fun. I've grown mine past shoulder length twice in the last three and a half years. Cut it off VERY VERY short once during that period. Cut it, grow it, colour it. Take good care of your health, and you can grow more hair even if it all falls out from too many chemicals.
Have fun with it - you don't want to be 50 or 60 or whatever and regret not doing fun stuff with your hair while it was acceptable. <that's why I shaved mine off when I turned 30 - ya can't do that at 60 - especially in my world>