Well, at least I accomplished something this morning...
Got myself a new screensaver.
Screamsaver, more likely.
Here's another possibility, as seen from behind...
I think it would play well with your nomadic lifestyle.
hmm, seems to require a bit of upkeep, and may pose problems during sleep. i'll have to think long and hard about this one. but thanks, gus.
Bethie, I did something in your honor just now. That's a bad sign - it means I will get scissors tonight and chop my hair off myself. But maybe I'll wait and go during the weekend... hmmmm weekend is so far away tho....
That looks great, Dag! I like it wavy, au natural, and also blown out.
- and she wants to cut it!
ohhhh, now you're making me waver in my decision to cut it this weekend. i just feel ooooolllllld. nao min?
on the other hand, it DID take 2-3 years to grow from the short hair i had. i have thick healthy hair right now, cause i learnt to take a better care of them since i got my armenian (swearing not to be gay, but oh so gay) hairdresser who loves my hair and cuts it superbly, but refuses staunchly to make it shorter. just shapes it and insists i should grow it out.
Bethie, you noticed the bangs? i grabbed scissors after you posted and chopped it off. i like, i may add more bangs even.
So: Beth and Mr.B suggest radical cutting (and i'm so ready for a change)
osso and littlek to keep it (and i might regret losing long hair)
other friend suggests cutting it just above my shoulders.
i want to hide in the corner and wail. i cannot decide for the devil. why can't i have both short and long hair, blonde and dark? why?
boys, boys, stick with me. while i have you here, tell me what looks better to you, this below or my current hair on previous page. ok? i decided to let a2k do my hair, since i cannot. so i will tally the opinions and just go with the majority...
Are you the one playing the guitar?...or is it an old photo of you listening to your Aunt strumming away?
< I like looooooooooooong hair>
However you wear it Dag, you still have that Eastern Euro accent which makes my knees wobble.
So......it doesn't matter to me, really.
no no, i be the aunt. the listener is my nephew.
trouble is that Mr.B does not, and i am perfectly unattached (except for physically. that i am quite attached) to my hair and don't really care as long as it has some funk to it.
my mother's heart would break though, she wants me to be a fragile perfect young lady with long fair hair. but her image would also involve dropping boxing and that sure as hell ain't happening.
I like the longer hair.
And my opinion is the one that matters, since I'm always right.
damn, longer hair seems to be winning so far...
if you cut, you will die.
Wait till you feel decisive, dag. Never cut when in two minds!
The recent picture with the newly-snipped bangs looks best. The bangs are flattering and sexy. Let the length get a little longer, too.
My hair is long (with long layers) and I know I'd regret it if I cut it short.