Heard of cinquain poetry? It's derived from the Japanese haiku and tanka traditions (I also was "Made in Japan"

), which were modified by an American woman named Adelaide Crapsey nearly 100 years ago to fit polysyllabic Engligh-language verse. It consists of 22 syllables distributed as 2, 4, 6, 8, 2, in five lines. I just read about it for the first time today, so hey I figured I'd try to write a couple of my own to post here......
game time:
jumping, shooting
aliens exploding
make as many points as you can
Me and
My computer
A love affair of sorts
Exchanging software all night long
Till dawn
Ho ho ho! Oh well, here's a brief history of the cinquain with a few less-puerile examples:
Got any of your own to add???