Whenever i'm faced with a problem like this I remind myself about what I want the world to be ideally. I would love their to be a world without conflict, hunger, overcrowding etc. For such a world to exist, the resources need to be fairly exchanged, global problems need to be globally countered, and we have to have defenses against the occasional Hitler/Dr No maniac who'll pop along from time to time

To achieve such a world, we obviously need the powers of the world to communicate and negotiate. We need the UN.
The UN is very far from perfect at the moment, but we need to give it more power rather than undermine it, which is where this war actually worried me the most.
It would however be wrong to give the UN exclussive power to restructure Iraq, because the UN needs to exist as a stateless structure, and because the people of Iraq have a right of say in their own future.
I think the Iraqi people should have their views listened to, the UN should make the changes the people ask for, and the US should damn well pay for it.