Daniel Perle?
If you meant Richard, I think he is pretty well out of the picture--
Why doesn't anyone pay attention to this Zubaidi person? Isn't he the one in the slot?
He's far from out of the picture, Sofia.
Yes, sorry, Richard... my brain shorted. His presence and activity are unchanged, though he's lost a title.
Anybody have a link on Perle's post-firing activities re: post war Iraq?
Don't recall the link now, but all Perle lost was his title. His activities remain the same. Maureen Dowd's column today will give you a glimpse, but a google news search will pull up more than you want to know.
frolic wrote:They could have used the old Iraqi flag instead of the new one or the US flag.
The old flag is without the the phrase ALLAHU AKBAR in green Arabic script between the three green stars.
what flag do they use and are they good with it
Perle is still hired by Global Crossing and still a member in the advisary board.
Welcome to A2K!
I 'like' this flag, although it's a joke (I hope):
Why the three stars? Udai, Ussay, and daddie? Three decades of upcoming quagmiritute? Bush/Rumsfelt/Wolfowitz? Heading towards 10, as far as the president can count before he begins to suspect he's becoming a goddamned intellectual?
Them stars gotta be imbedded in the red blood lines.
The female member of the Iraq Coucil has been shot. She was the member grooming to represent Iraq at the UN. She's said to be OK.
This pisses me to no end. I hope she doesn't let it deter her from the UN post. The Iraqis need to see a strong, capable female in a position of responsibility.
As war and government prove, insanity is the most contagious of diseases
before we talk of post war Iraq doesn't the war have to actually be over?
I'm more concerned with GWB and John Ashcroft's war on America frankly.
Yeah, GWBush and company thought Iraq was gonna be a cake walk. After all this time, these criminals still haven't learned that they must trasnfer power to the UN to get the long term backing of the international community. How much longer are the American People willing to pay with our military men and women's lives and billions every month? Somebody's gotta use a sledge hammer or somet'n, because it ain't sinking in.