Well Roger, I have always read that!way back in England - when the husband was considered responsible for the behavior of his wife.....he was expected to beat her if she misbehaved, but the stick could be no wider than his thumb...hence the rule of thumb. I STILL think that this is the oldest, and the truest basis of the rule of thumb idea!!
Love the uniform! Now, I don't want you to think that I have any foreknowledge, but - have a look at this:
The parking meter was invented in North Dakota.
Rule of thumb
Not! How rude to classify me as an angry feminist!
Shame on you. I am a woman, I did have a husband who beat me
up and I left him, never to see again, some 25 years ago. But, I was looking for the "footnotes" - you know - those little things that prove
your work is documented, that prove a writing's veracity. The ones that prove that those little pages (the links you gave me ) were not just someone's concoction to suit the way THEY felt about things!! Did not
see ANY. Furthermore, in the not so far past - I do seem to recall a
man named OJ who got away with killing HIS wife, in court, in the USA AND in front of all of us watching the TV etc etc. Found guilty later in
civil suit????? Come on boys, let's just face it. Women get maimed, murdered, burned to death (India lost 20,000 women in the past 10
years alone!) all the time. There never was a feminist movement - the backlash to it began as soon as it started to hatch out of the egg.
OK... earthmother, here's another trivia for you....
A bowling pin need only tilt 7.5 degrees in order to fall down.
When you vomit - your stomach actually turns inside out.
Ya mean starfish eat the way we vomit? Gross
There are 336 dimples on a regulation golfball.
Your kidneys are composed of over one million nephrons
The one-hundred eleventh element is known as "unnilenilenium".
Phoenix, I have not thought of that song in years, where DO you find these charming little sites?
You can't possibly think of a song - based on a word like "nephron" or the "kidney" Or can you???
The city of London is one square mile and has in excess of 500 foreign banks - 300,000 working folks - and about 50 churches, which due to The Great Fire, and WW2 bombing, and population gravitation to the suburbs, all 50 remaining churches were designed by the same man, Wren