Quick Answer
vinsan wrote:
Yups Mark Thats Right .....
But can you tell me how maximum 2 questions suffice this solution?
For those who want a quick solution
Phase 1.
Label the 3 thieves as A, B, C
They can say the truth +, false - or Random X
. So possibilities are
Code:A B C
+ - X
+ X -
- + X
- X +
X + -
X - +
Ask First question to A as "Do I have more chance with B for truth than C"
Possibility 1: If answer is Yes then
Code:A B C
+ X -
- X +
X + -
X - +
would be valid combinations to look into
Look carefully at C's column, X (random) is absent under all circumstances.
So either C is a liar or a truth-teller but definitely not a lunatic
Possibility 2: If answer is No then
Code:A B C
+ - X
- + X
X + -
X - +
would be valid combinations to look into
Look carefully at B's column, X (random) is absent under all circumstances.
So either B is a liar or truth-teller i.e. non lunatic
Phase 2
After the above question one non lunatic person is finally identified may it be C or B.
Lets call him the "Key"
Case 1:
Conside if "Key" is a liar i.e blood group B Rh+
Now Ask him 2nd question that "If I ask to the other non AB+ blood group man among 3 of you that "You 3 robbed the bank" what would he say?"
"You 3 robbed the bank" is a fact so its truth value is Yes
But the other non AB Rh+ person will be truth teller (bcoz "Key" is the liar).
Hence intoxicated the other non AB + person would admit the crime and say "yes"
But bcoz "Key" is a liar he would twist the reply and say "No"
Case 2:
Lets say if "Key"is a truth teller i.e blood group other than AB & B +
Upon asked the same question "If I ask the other non AB+ blood group man among you 3 that "You 3 robbed the bank" what would he say?" to Key
"You 3 robbed the bank" is a fact so its truth value is Yes
But the other non AB + person will be the B + blood so he will be a liar.
Hence unaffected by the drug he would be clever enough to say "No"
Now as "Key" is a truth teller. So he straight conveys the others answer as "No"
So after the 2nd question under any circumstances the lawyer is going to get an answer "No" from the "Key" person that is opposite of the factual truth ("You 3 robbed the bank"), negation of which will prove the fact and hence the chemical lie detector would not go in vain and all parameters met the thieves are caught under their own acceptance of crime.