nimh wrote:I must admit the map kinda mystifies me too. Red = Labour districts? But if thats Oslo, I mean - Norway isnt shaped like that, is it?
Those are the results for one small part of the country. It is the segment second furthest to the south east on
this map.
nimh wrote:But whats what, red, blue?
Red would be anything left of centre, blue anything not.
Instigate wrote:It is my opinion that these pseudo-socialist states do their people a grave disservice, They distribute reources as if they are inexhaustible. Like they will always be able to maintain the government mandated standard of existance.
Actually all oil revenue is saved in the petroleum fund and invested in stocks and bonds. The money is then spent at a rate equal to the expected real return on these assets, according to a policy which, as nimh states, only the populist right wishes to do away with.
I'd have preferred additional savings myself as well, but compared to other countries in the western world, Norway has done very well in this department.
Instigate wrote:Its something akin to the classical Prisoners Dillema: If you spend to much time having The State secure your welfare, you eventually forget how to do it yourself.
When the State runs out of plentiful, easily exploitable resources, they can no longer provide your basic needs, and the people dont know how because its always been done for them.
Are you insinuating that we don't have industries other than oil? You'd be wrong you know, until recent developments in the oil market, oil exports accounted for less than half of our foreign exchange earnings.
Instigate wrote:Norway is toast, Venenzuala will follow. And once they realize it, they will still cry for more socialism.
How exactly is Norway toast? Care to elaborate?
I thought Venezuela was spending their oil wealth as fast as they could pump it out of the ground, how does that amount to following Norway which has done the exact opposite?
Instigate wrote:Will they manufacture value?
Who, the Norwegians? We're already doing it, so yeah.
Walter Hinteler wrote:What exactly is a "pseudo-socialistic state"?
Don't bother Walter, several threads have been devoted to pinning down the definition of socialist, and they have all failed miserably. I do not believe that adding "pseudo" makes the term any easier to define.