Part 1: The real wisdom to find in the bible !
Was talking this in freewill but some talk we should talk about this seperately. People we have done good and we have found questions that show us that there is a way to find our purpose or personal mission God gave us to do his will in this world. And some have found the answers to their questions and one ask the question of the difference between wisdom, intelligence, knowledge, intution, and instincts that we use in our mind to use when we decide and we use in our life. All this abilites exist and pyschology explains part of our mind and brain use them to discover life and how life functions. The difference is intelligence.
The ability for the brain is what your brain knows and apply to your life to decide move, calculate, and decide. Intelligence is limited but the promblem is you do evil and people use evil is more easier to do. Good is an option but if a person is educated and knows only evil it is going to be destroyed. You don't use your mind and life for a full purpose of what your originally meant and God wanted.
Intelligence can be used for good or evil you can have an iq 160 but your evil you will destroy your life and won't realize your potential.
Knowledge is the experience of those people who learn from errors and tries based on facts and logic. Sometimes logic is basic of human efforts in our history the people wrote in books their experience and thanks to them we know facts and thanks to that we can decide scientifically, pyscological, and logical based on experience and reading those books. It is good but will tell ya that for a christian it is not the base for you to find the answers God gives you in the bible ? Why ?
Simple people experiences of those people have errors and see God want us to believe in faith and have faith to use in our life and our course in life. You will see in course of history of the bible God has proven those people wrong ! Sigmund Freud, Confucius, Socrates, and Nietzsche they are wrong and their logic had errors but remember always pinned against God and what the bible says. The bible has proven them wrong in logic and God using his miraculous works of God. Has proven all of humanity laws of physics and logic are limited and fail because logic and his system is superior to all. God holded time in the bible and he can do it, God cured the sick in the old testament, parted the red sea, Jesus cured and is man who was prophet. Logic and facts against God can be changed by hsi will because he is God and he is creator of all the universe and this angers scientist and philosophers.
You cannot use human experience and human logic to understand the universe we are small humans that only stand in the existence of this universe for a short time compare to all the things God created. We have limits and i'm happy our God is beyond all that and has those athourities and shows us our purpose and teaches us that love and faith is the path for us to know more than all that and he gives us the wisdom which is the most important thing for us us in our life of our mind. Will get to that but scientist and philosophers is that all their experience and facts come from God and I believe science can answers some God's creations and systems he gives.