No, I am definitely not following you around.
However you do post a great many views which I feel are simply too slack to be let go, in my world. Nothing personal, just business. Not barracking, not attacking, just musing.
On this occasion; Has no one told you that
self praise is no praise?
Yes you have praised yourself. As you have logically intoned you find yourself to be
'truly intelligent'.... For if you did not consider yourself that; then how would you presume to know?
In general terms, the reality is that most people, the 99%, they much fall foul of the Dunning Kruger Effect. Do you know it?
We are a family of actual academics; wife, daughter, son, siblings and in a slight way even myself ... You know, PhD's, professors and so forth... Even to my endless horror a sibling Theologian of some renown. We find that there are various adages of the masses that are seen as truths or indeed facts, when they are quite obviously nothing of the sort. For example:
Money doesn't buy you happiness ..... First one wonders how they would know? Secondly, the wealthy are aware that money buys choice and choice invariably buys happiness. Or the opportunity to change ones reality to a better one and so thereby, happiness.
There is always a faster gun, tougher fighter, greater mind, better serial killer etc. ..... No that is not true. When you are at the very top of what you do, it all comes down to today's performance. However win or lose, one is in a rarefied group.
It is a reality of life that like attracts like. However faux intellectualism is about trying to break that cycle, to circumnavigate that truism ..... It is about faux power, created by the powerless and socially inept desperate to be seen as more. To recognise these people, one can usually list bullying, middling intelligence, poor educational performance, poor socio economic group, pushy mothers who think their duck is a swan etc etc. Normal attributes of the faux intellectual it seems to myself.
The faux intellectual finds themselves to be less, there are afraid of expulsion and/or ridicule from the mass, so look for a position of supposed intellect and aloofness to bolster their worth ... To become some form dis-embodied semi illiterate sooth sayer for the throbbing mass.
The internet has spawned a truly vast army of these people .... Quite sad really I suppose, if I cared.