I tried to validate my webpage at the W3C Markup Validation Service, and I got 2 errors. One says I did not declare a doctype, and the other says there's no such attribute as allowtransparency.
This is where the transparency code was used:
<iframe name="iframe" src="home.html" frameBorder=0 width=520 height=1500
allowtransparency="true" style="position:absolute; left:350; top:280" scrolling="auto">If you see this text, iframes are not enabled on your browser, please update to the newest version of Internet Explorer</iframe>
I searched on google, but all the tutorials on transparent iframes I looked at involves using the
allowtransparency tag
. Does anyone know of a way to have a transparent iframe that validates?
My other problem is that when I add the doctype (HTML 4.01 Transitional) to the page, my div layer and iframe end up on the top of the page, and overlaps eachother.
Here is the the page before I added the doctype:
and here is the page after I added the doctype:
Please help me with these 2 problems. Thanks in advance