Wed 15 Nov, 2023 04:05 pm
I think I've come up with a compelling argument from both a religious point of view and a scientific point of view as to why I believe God exists and why He gives me comfort.
From a religious point of view, I think, as God, He would be smarter than us, yes? He created the earth and life after all. He would know what's best for us all because He would know us better than we know ourselves. So why do a lot of people not believe in Him and that He is not a perfect God? Is it because they think they are smarter than God? this makes no sense, why would He make His creation smarter than Himself if we are made in His image, some people are smarter than others, correct?. He gave us free will and the ability to think for ourselves. I think this must also mean the devil must exist also, as I think the reason why we do bad things is because we have the knowledge of good and evil and so we are capable of pride just like the devil.
From a scientific point of view, people might say they simply dont believe in God, and we are just here by chance, because there's no hard evidence... but they still acknowledge the fact that He could exist, which makes the argument of "there is no God" very dangerous and very short-sighted as life is temporary. See the question "Why does the universe exist?" On the internet, science tells us because of the big bang, right? What created the Big Bang? Some people say nothing. It just occurred, they're not thinking outside the "box". I don't personally like this response as it implies it just appeared out of nothing, what created something from nothing? What started it? Why do we exist?. There's more to suggest there is a God that can create something from nothing, than there is for a big bang that "just happened".
Summing up, if He's smarter than us and He can see what we cannot see, as He is outside the "box",(the box being space and time), which He must be because He created it, then He knows the outcome of being good and evil (evil being death and destruction), (see world war 2) and so must be all good (perfect) the fact that we can't prove He exists with hard evidence (its like your head goes round in circles trying to to think of a way to prove God exists), I think also shows He is smarter than us, essentially I think He is giving us 2 choices, with Him or without Him. I choose with Him. He would love His creation, He made us, just as we love what we make and do with our free time (we were made in His image), He is like a Father and we are His children. It would pain Him to see His children turn away from Him just like a Father would. We can't control our children but wish them the best in life just as I think He would.
Ralphias wrote:
I think I've come up with a compelling argument from both a religious point of view and a scientific point of view as to why I believe God exists and why He gives me comfort.
Okay, that is what you think.
But you have not.
You have simply made a blind guess about the REALITY of existence...which includes a "god." And you are giving the reasons for why you have made this blind guess.
That is what people have been doing for millennea.
La prueba científica que ofrece acerca de la existencia de Dios se basa, fundamentalmente en la duda sobre qué creó el Big Bang, qué creó el Universo. Esa duda fundamental carece de respuesta sólida, y es gratuito responderla recurriendo a la existencia “necesaria” de un agente extranatural. La pregunta sobre el origen del Big Bang carece, incluso, de fundamento porque está basada en el supuesto implícito de que tiene que existir algo “anterior” y “exterior” al propio Big Bang. El principio de causalidad es una ley de la naturaleza universalmente aceptada por la ciencia y la filosofía, pero no es aplicable en el origen mismo del Universo, así como cualquier otra ley natural. En realidad, el Big Bang es un punto singular en las leyes de la Física Teórica, las cuales explican la evolución del Universo “después” de su origen, pero no en el propio origen. No hay constancia sobre la existencia del tiempo y del espacio antes del Big Bang o fuera del Universo, ni teoría científica que lo sustente. Ni siquiera tienen sentido propio las palabras “antes” y “fuera” en este contexto. A la pregunta habitual, ¿qué había antes del Big Bang?, la respuesta de la Física es: nada, incluso no había “antes”.
Por otra parte, el creyente en Dios, en cualquier dios, lo cree porque lo siente, no porque tenga pruebas. No existen pruebas de la existencia de Dios, ni de la no existencia. Y el que tiene esa fe en su Dios, y le satisface, hace bien en conservarla —y en rechazarla si no le satisface— sin necesidad de tener pruebas racionales. Es una cuestión personal y puramente emocional que no navega en el mundo de la razón. Si se probara la existencia de Dios científicamente, es decir, utilizando las leyes de la naturaleza, entonces la Teología pasaría a ser una más de las ciencias de la naturaleza, perdiendo así su aroma espiritual.
Well worth the effort to translate: Muy bueno.