Tue 19 Sep, 2023 02:13 am
Video games, were a threat to our very existence; a film version, oil, as video games, fission.
If one power used them as a weapon, everyone would; instead of the internet, a peaceful power source.
That was a job, for Scarecrow; Oppenheimer, a liquor store owner, a resource economist pot dealer.
In the 7th grade, I perched in Quake MegaTF's 2fort5, as a spy, on "feign death", after dropping gas grenades in the sniper nest. The combination of zoom, and the gas camera wobble, created the GTA 3 camera.
"All crime, is now gay" - Dave Charlebois.
Anyone mimicking a video game mechanic, with the camera, turns queer; a combat surrender. Even Halo, the Warthog and Scorpion. The military, is about academics, the library.
The French program, Saint's Row, the cop fantasy, is doomed; cops need to learn laws from manuals, produced by stoned Meso-American lawyers, ruined if arrested by white supremacists from Britain, their town codes punished by removal from American law.
Now, Russia wants to make a Tetris movie, challenging the Golden Mean, the highway; the Parthenon, from the dandelion and our ancestor, the bee. Or the nautilus, our last breath, beneath the Dalai Llama, the reef shark.
But they won't win, since most people don't use Tetris, to drive, they paid attention to law and police courses, from the Mossad, driver's education.