If she is working in base 18, then six times four is 16, not thirteen, and Alice would get to 20 when she arrives at four times nine.
Then, perhaps, bases change at every multiplication... but for that to happen, you must be stoned.
Why is a Raven like a writing desk?... They both have quills.
Læknir Scrat wrote:If she is working in base 18, then six times four is 16, not thirteen, and Alice would get to 20 when she arrives at four times nine.
Then, perhaps, bases change at every multiplication... but for that to happen, you must be stoned.
Here goes.
4x5=12 [base of 18]
4x6=13 [base of 21]
4x7=14 [base of 24]
4x8=15 [base of 27]
4x9=16 [base of 30]
4x10=17 [base of 33]
4x11=18 [base of 36]
4x12=19 [base of 39]
4x13=1A [base of 42]
Now you must be pretty stoned to come up with that. I hear lewis did use opium though
Not only is the base changing with every multiplication, it changes by adding 3 to the previous base... 18+3=21. 21+3=24 etc. Carroll (Dodson) was a mathematican (I'm not) but I wonder if there are even deeper level of regularity here?
My favourite Lewis Carroll riddle.
My First is singular at best:
More plural is my Second:
My Third is far the pluralest-
So plural-plural, I protest
It scarely can be reckoned!
My First is followed by a bird:
My Second by believers
In magic art: my simple Third
Follows, too often, hopes absurd
And plausible deceivers.
My First to get at wisdom tries-
A failure melancholy!
My Second men revered as wise:
My Third from heights of wisdom flies
To depths of frantic folly.
My First is ageing day by day:
My Second's age is ended:
My Third enjoys an age, they say,
That never seems to fade away,
Through centuries extended.
My Whole? I need a poet's pen
To paint her myriad phases:
The monarch, and the slave, of men-
A mountain-summit, and a den
Of dark and deadly mazes-
A flashing light- a fleeting shade-
Begining, end, and middle
Of all that human art hath made
Or wit devised! Go, seek HER aid,
If you would read my riddle!
Quote:John gave his brother James a box:
About it there were many locks.
James woke and said it gave him pain;
So gave it back to John again.
The box was not with lid supplied,
Yet caused two lids to open wide;
And all these locks had never a key-
What kind of box, then, could it be?
I thought it was an uncomfortable pillow.
I had to look up that last Carrol riddle. That's a tough one.
Welcome Dringo. Thankyou for not 'spoiling' it by posting the answer.
Hope you like A2K.