Graeme O'Neil takes a look at Angela Bassett's tribute to Tina Turner,
after Angela heard of Tina's passing at the age of 83.
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Thu 25 May, 2023 02:05 am
Tina Turner remembered by Mad Max director George Miller: ‘She was the opposite of a diva’
A story that sticks in my mind was in 1988. There were fireworks on Sydney Harbour for the bicentennial and Tina had got a boat and invited a lot of people to go out on it. My two-year-old daughter came along and Tina played with her. As the night wore on, we had to put our daughter to bed in one of the bunks, but she didn’t want to go. She kept saying: “I want to play with the Tina Turner girl, I want to play with the Tina Turner girl.” So we took her back. But Tina was so happy to keep playing with her. For that night at least, she was the Tina Turner girl.
A surprise. While I never thought she was a demigod or super hero, I also never thought of her a vulnerable. I fully expected a Lincoln Center Evening celebrating her career in 10 or so more years with President OAC.
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Thu 25 May, 2023 07:16 am
Fave song of hers, bar none. An empowering one—would make for an interesting set with the old Gloria Gaynor song, I Will Survive, maybe add Blondie's Go Away ~