Fri 24 Mar, 2023 07:49 am
I mean I do love NYC. But I'm not a fan of this new tweaking of the iconic, I [Heart] NYC logo.
New Yorkers hilariously react to the new NYC brand campaign logo

It's such a lazy redesign. I suspect they spend $MMs with the city contracted design firm. And all they did was change I to we as well as the font and word placement.
Full disclosure: I never really loved the I [Heart] NYC campaign and logo either. Just felt ambivalent towards it. So, my criticism of the new logo isn't tainted with sentimentality.
What do you think? And are their other city logos/campaigns that you are fond of?
I'm not a big fan of civic boosterism and the overused "I heart this or that" always struck me as being rather tacky. This is the first time I've heard of this repackaged campaign and I'm not particularly impressed. I mean, if there's any city in the world that doesn't need this kind of phony expression of concocted sentiment it's NYC. And if there are any urban populations who don't need canned slogans it'd be New Yorkers.
I wouldn't wish this on Jersey :/
— Joe Rodriguez (@PhotoEditorJoe) March 20, 2023
New Yorkers hilariously react to the new NYC brand campaign logo
(the URL in your link was broken)