All this + and - stuff. What does it mean in practice? What does it mean for mental health?
It means that there are two equal but opposite electromagnetic forces in nature which cannot be cancelled out as modern day science claims.- These forces should not be viewed at the philosophical level as good or bad but just as two equal but opposite forces.
That is not to say that there isn’t such a thing as good and bad. No, it just means that these two forces of nature are real and are equal and opposite.
I have suggested that these forces can only be balanced and also explained how this is achieved in nature which is proven science. This is important because science needs to agree because ALL sciences are interconnected. I would suggest that this information definitely helps with the understanding of consciousness.
But how?
Well, it means that we should not see ourselves as either the in (+) or out (-) of the moment consciousness states that we vibrate backwards and forwards between.
Rather, I would suggest that reliable science states that we should view these consciousness states as merely experiences due electromagnetic force interactions (-/-…-/+…+/-…+/+)
Psychologically, I would suggest that it is important to balance both these types of consciousness experiences with both these types of consciousness experience.
Balance a + and - consciousness state with a + and - consciousness state and see ourselves as separate from them.
Those who know about dualism will know what I mean.
The end result being,
STILLNESS at the psychological level.
There is nothing quite like actual experiential proof that a theory is true.