Fri 30 Dec, 2022 03:35 pm
My female boss has rubbed the middle of my back while talking to her, came up behind me and put both her hands around my neck for a mistake doing inventory, bumped her hand on my thigh to get my attention, walked by me and patted me on the back while at the computer, asked me to dance with her, playfully slapped me while backing away laughing like she wanted me to come after her and made other sexual innuendo comments like asking me if i was going to whip her when my belt broke loading boxes on a skid.
1. Unprofessional behaviour.
2. Setting you up for what?
Does your business have an HR department? Then tell them what's going on.
If your business does not, then tell her supervisor.
If she's the highest-level person in the company (say, the owner or a part-owner), then look for another job.
Google the term
sexual harassment. You are living it.
I've only been there 9 weeks and she just has no boundaries that she won't cross, she says anything she wants and has come up behind me 3 times when i didn't know she was there while working and put her hands on my neck, back, and thigh, she's getting scary the way she is so forward with me.
See Jespah's answer above.
Joe(do it today)Nation
If you have an HR, you need to report this behavior. This is sexual harassment. you should not be worried about her setting you up unless you are participating back. My strong advice is go to HR like now, you should of already went to be honest.
I keep to myself at work and am very introverted outside work also but she's trying to convince me also that's she's not hitting on me and only being friendly, she has over 20 years experience as a supervisor.
Have you gone to HR?
Tell her to stop touching you. Tell her it makes you uncomfortable. Plus, it's unprofessional.
Yes, I went to the H.R. Department , they said their going to talk to her and keep a eye on the situation and have put me in a different department but i haven't heard back from them yet.