Gravitation fundamental fields

Reply Fri 30 Sep, 2022 02:11 am
All the most known theories of gravity are built on the principle of long-range action. When approximately "point" body or mass density (also electromagnetic energy) distributed in space creates gravitational potential. This article attempts to substantiate gravitational phenomena on the principle of proximity (locality). The cause of interactions is some spatial state of fundamental fields, the consequence is change of these fields over time (first derivative in time at point of continuum).

Presumably, following fundamental gravitational fields exist:
(SI units in parentheses are m-metre, s-second, k-kilogram, A-Ampere)
scalar potential g (m^2/s^2)
vector potential G (m/s)
scalar strain f (m^2/s^3)
vector strain F (m/s^2)

The gravitational constant g0 = 6.6742^-11 (m^3/s^2/k) is also used,
local energy density u (k/m/s^2), for example electromagnetic = ε0/2 • E^2 + μ0/2 • H^2
and Poynting vector S (k/s^3) = [E × H]

Time derivatives are expressed as follows:
g' = - f - c^2 • div G
G' = - F - grad g
f' = - c^2 • div grad g + fu • u
F' = c^2 • rot rot G - fs • S

The constants fu (m^3/s^2/k) and fs (m/k) are positive, signs are selected so that scalar potential g becomes negative in presence of positive density u in vicinity of point.

The equations are similar to electromagnetic equations expressed in potentials:
a' = - c^2 • div A
A' = - E - grad a
E' = c^2 • rot rot A

In stationary state, for example, during formation of gravitational fields by stable elementary particle or single celestial body:
S = 0, G = 0, f = 0
F = - grad g
div grad g = fu • u / c^2 = 4 • π • g0 • ρ, according to Newton's potential

Hence we get at ρ = u / c^2: fu = 4 • π • g0

The effect of gravitational fields on other fundamental ones can manifest itself as a curvature of space, and direct effect on velocity vector V, mentioned in this topic: https://able2know.org/topic/572511-1

With zero u and S, following types of "pure" gravitational waves can exist:
1. Longitudinal potential-potential: g' = - c^2 • div G, G' = - grad g
2. Longitudinal with phase shift of 90 degrees: g' = - f, f' = - c^2 • div grad g
3. Transverse: g' = - c^2 • div G, G' = - F - grad g, F' = c^2 • rot rot G
Transverse ones are probably easier to detect in experiments.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 0 • Views: 895 • Replies: 19
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Reply Sat 2 Mar, 2024 01:08 am
There is no need to invent anything and repeat Einstein’s nonsense. Life is organized according to the laws of physics, classical Newtonian physics. Gravity is the combined reaction of the gyroscopic forces of rotation of electrons to the external influence of the expansion of the Universe.
Journal of Physics and Astronomy vol.9(9), 10(2), 10(8).
WASET, author Kuzminov
The expansion of the Universe is initially, constant, everywhere, isotropic. Accordingly, the reaction (gravity) is initially, constant, everywhere, isotropic.
Reply Sat 2 Mar, 2024 12:15 pm
You can also see Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, A, vol.24(1)
"Physics of Gravity..."
0 Replies
The Anointed
Reply Sat 2 Mar, 2024 06:28 pm
There is no need to invent anything and repeat Einstein’s nonsense. Life is organized according to the laws of physics, classical Newtonian physics. Gravity is the combined reaction of the gyroscopic forces of rotation of electrons to the external influence of the expansion of the Universe.
Journal of Physics and Astronomy vol.9(9), 10(2), 10(8).
WASET, author Kuzminov
The expansion of the Universe is initially, constant, everywhere, isotropic. Accordingly, the reaction (gravity) is initially, constant, everywhere, isotropic.

It has now been revealed that matter is no more than an illusion. Quantum physicists discovered that so called physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating, each one radiating its own unique energy signature.

If you observe the composition of an atom with a microscope you would see a small, invisible tornado-like vortex, with a number of infinitely small energy vortices called quarks and photons. These are what make up the structure of the atom. As you focused in closer and closer on the structure of the atom, you would see nothing, you would observe a physical void. The atom has no physical structure, we have no physical structure, physical things really don’t have any physical structure! Atoms are made out of invisible energy, not tangible matter.

Our experience tells us that our reality is made up of physical material things, and that our world is an independently existing objective one. The revelation that the universe is not an assembly of physical parts, suggested by Newtonian physics, and instead comes from a holistic entanglement of immaterial energy waves stems from the work of Albert Einstein, Max Planck and Werner Heisenberg, among others.

Physicists are being forced to admit that the UNIVERSE IS "MENTAL CONSTRUCTION" .

Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: “The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like ''A GREAT THOUGHT'' than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. (R. C. Henry, “The Mental Universe”; Nature 436:29, 2005)
Reply Mon 4 Mar, 2024 12:50 pm
@The Anointed,
The ability to fantasize is a good quality. I am a supporter of classical physics, Newton.
The Anointed
Reply Mon 4 Mar, 2024 04:20 pm
The ability to fantasize is a good quality. I am a supporter of classical physics, Newton.

“If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet. Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” – Niels Bohr

“Get over it and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual” (1) – Richard Conn Henry, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University

I believe it was Nikola Tesla who once said:
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena; it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

I only wish that Isaac Newton had lived long enough to understand quantum physics, perhaps with this new insight, he may have come closer to discovering the secret of the philosopher’s stone. I believe that Isaac’s long and arduous search for the Philosopher’s stone was driven, not by the desire to gain great wealth by turning base metals into gold, but the desire to gain eternal life, and wholly transmute his corruptible imperfect self into the spiritual incorruptible being that he so desired.”

The Anointed
Reply Mon 4 Mar, 2024 09:35 pm
@The Anointed,

The Philosopher's Stone is a single stone with seven facets, in the shape of the molecules from which it is created.

Omar Khayyam, King of the wise, was also and alchemist.

In the introduction to Fitzgerald’s translation of Omar’s work. It is written that Omar Khayyam died in the year of 1123 AD, and yet in the Glossary of the self-same book, it is said that he died in 1132 AD. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, there is some debate as to whether he died in the year 1123, or 1132. It seems strange that the controversy should be between these two date, because from, (The Perfect Way, P. 247) we read, “As the number of the lunar months, ‘thirteen,’ is the number of the woman and denotes the soul and her reflection of God---The solar number ‘Twelve,’ being that of the spirit.

The two numbers in combination form the perfect year of that dual humanity, which above, is made in the image of God—the true “Christian Year,” wherein the two—the inner and outer, Spirit and Matter—are as one. Thirteen then represents that full union of man with God wherein Christ becomes Christ.

Thirteen, represents the physical person, who reflects perfectly the spiritual being within, (The Father and the Son are one) and is represented as the solar number 12 in combination within the thirteen, as shown here, [1(12)3].

But the true “Christian year” should be where the physical being is translated to a spiritual being, which would be represented by the number combination [1(13)2], the physical number 13, within the spiritual number 12, the old tabernacle=tent, (The body of Man) stored within the inner most sanctuary of the new and glorious Temple of light. A good translation loses none of the essence of the original from which it is translated.

So, when did the Great King of the Wise, Omar Khayyam die?

Omar was, among other professions, an Alchemist.
Quatrains 58- 59. And lately, by the Tavern Door agape,
Came shining through the Dusk an Angel Shape
Bearing a vessel on his shoulders; and
He bid me taste of it; and ‘twas, the Grape!

The Grape that can with Logic absolute
The Two-and-Seventy jarring sects confute:
The sovereign Alchemist that in a thrice
Life’s leaden metal into Gold transmute.

Quatrain 77. And this I know: whether the one True Light
Kindle to love, or wrath-consume me quite,
One flash of it within the Tavern caught
Better than in the Temple lost outright. . . . . Omar Khayyam.

The philosophers stone will be a crystal of the same shape as the molecule from which it is formed, Zechariah 3: the prophet speaks of his vision of the high priest Joshua=Jesus, who is stripped of his old filthy garment and given a new clean turban etc, and a Stone/crystal with seven facets is placed before Joshua with his new clean outer garment.

Is it possible do you suppose to form a molecule from atoms of matter and atoms of anti-matter, which can be held in equilibrium, a state in which they cannot annihilate each other? And would such a body be able to pass in and out of both dimensions? Does evolution cease with the creation of the three-dimensional body of mankind?
The Anointed
Reply Mon 4 Mar, 2024 09:45 pm
@The Anointed,
Continued from previous post.

To Old Khayyam, the Tent Maker reborn.

When we were young I merged with thee, the blood of youth still flowing free
The bread, the wine, the poetry, beneath the old forbidden tree.
How sweet the fruit that we have shared, across the gulf of time we dared
To stand before each other bared and free of guilt, embraced and paired.

Our love beyond earth’s great desire, a love that burns more fierce than fire
I lay me down on broken briar, your son upon the funeral pyre.
Like rings of onions you have peeled the mysteries that the atom sealed
God’s heavenly tablets once concealed, to me, through you, the Lord revealed.

May he in me, with love’s desires, wash your body ere it dies
With fragrance sweet that ne’er expires to snare the righteous passer-byes
The spark of life leaps ever higher, spiraling up from fire to fire
To he, with who we did conspire to grasp this scheme of things entire.

The crystal there beside your seat, the written formula incomplete
My brothers now lay at your feet their offerings that you might eat.
Awake my Lord, for now’s the time to offer to the world your wine
Reveal on every written line, your secrets through these words of mine.
May you when for your morning sup of heavenly vintage from the soil look up.
Through wine that drips down, drop by drop, know He, who holds the inverted cup. . . . The Anointed.
Reply Wed 6 Mar, 2024 01:09 pm
@The Anointed,
There is a technical mindset, there is a humanitarian mindset. It often happens that people in the humanities study physics. They create an emotional background.
The Anointed
Reply Wed 6 Mar, 2024 03:31 pm
There is a technical mindset, there is a humanitarian mindset. It often happens that people in the humanities study physics. They create an emotional background.

And what do you think the mindset of NEWTON was, who spent the greater part of his latter life in search of the Philosopher's Stone?
Reply Wed 6 Mar, 2024 09:27 pm
@The Anointed,
The charlatan, the thimble maker, lumped everything into one pile - both gravity and the speed of light, and ruined the concept of relativity. According to his theory, the Earth is the navel of the Universe, and the speed of light is measured from it. Other reference systems are not recognized.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Mar, 2024 09:33 pm
@The Anointed,
We must judge by deeds. Sherlock Holmes also played the violin.
The Anointed
Reply Wed 6 Mar, 2024 10:33 pm
We must judge by deeds. Sherlock Holmes also played the violin.

And I wonder what else Sherlock Holmes, the fictional detective created by British author Arthur Conan Doyle, played with, apart from his violin.
Reply Thu 7 Mar, 2024 11:50 am
@The Anointed,
How can you believe in Einstein's nonsense? What other curved space?
The Anointed
Reply Fri 8 Mar, 2024 04:57 am
How can you believe in Einstein's nonsense? What other curved space?

Who would doubt that Einstein is one of the greatest scientific minds who ever lived?

Space curvature.

Reply Fri 8 Mar, 2024 08:54 am
@The Anointed,
The genius of quackery. Quackery lies in the fact that he inspired everyone with his nonsense. Only a few have access to this sacrament. The lot of the rest is to repeat mantras.
Reply Fri 8 Mar, 2024 09:12 am
@The Anointed,
One of the mathematical feints. When converting 3-dimensional space into 4-dimensional space, the unit of seconds was changed to meters. As a result, we got space-time. Mathematically everything is correct.
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The Anointed
Reply Fri 8 Mar, 2024 03:56 pm
The genius of quackery. Quackery lies in the fact that he inspired everyone with his nonsense. Only a few have access to this sacrament. The lot of the rest is to repeat mantras.

Then I will leave you, who believe that you are superior to one of the greatest scientific minds who has ever lived, to continue to wander in the fog of forevermore.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Mar, 2024 01:21 am
@The Anointed,
Yes, the hypothesis is based on the planetary model of the atom. This is a model. All physics and all chemistry are built on this model. Another model has not yet been invented. There are just some considerations.
Reply Tue 26 Mar, 2024 04:51 pm
What nonsense. The planetary model of the atom is from 1913 and hasn't been believed for a century. The current model is called quantum mechanics. You're about a century out of date. Don't talk about what you don't know about,
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