Your just dating making babies with this random person. It does not count at all beyond Child-support and Opening a trust. He knows it. You do not want to "put your foot down". You want your father, mother, or whoever is a respectable figure to talk with him in person and explain it would mean a lot to her. You want him to understand that we are not dating ( it has nothing to do with age ), and it is not a piece of paper.
Whatever agreement you and him have you could make it ahead of time.
age is a just a number.
If your getting married your getting married just to set an example for your children, or business means.
You want to get married, to feel clean. Then look up something "the greatest prenuptial agreement ever" because he knows that at this moment you and him are just dating.
Dating does not count.
You could be married off by your parents in X times.
Your open to sexual relationships.
You should not feel anything if you or him betrays you.
Your just dating.
Marriage is a business agreement and not a "piece of paper".
You can opt for many things within a marriage itself. Rights and etc.
You have people who gets married only to bare kids while they have sex with other people, and only time they are with "that person" is when they go to their company outings, press, or the in-laws.
Boyfriend and Girlfriend does not count. Their is no right or wrong. You could sleep around and none of it matters at all. Your literally having casual sex. You have the same "power couple" or "front" as with married people.
The reality is that he knows that if he gets into a business agreement with you and violates it, you or him could sue for his assets, quality of life, alimony, and so much more beyond child support ( which a person could block via opening a trust ).
A divorce is when a person violates the agreement and they are too blame.
Like my grandmother separated from her husband it was a divorce because she left him and classed her as a type of "spinster" ( which is a lawful term ). "Unfit person of household". Anytime he could have used that against her in the early years and have rights to his children and bring them back home. She would have been by herself with her job.
A separation is when you both leave the marriage on equal terms. Your separated and any actions against another person can not be taken into account.
Marriage has originally been invented for a variety of reasons, specifically to benefit the men. It does not mean you can not associate with others outside the marriage it just means your making agreements.
Initially when you got married their was no divorce/separation, or any of this lawful bs. It was for the longest an institution carried out by religious institutions, but even when it was invented it was more of a power couple identity, and way to control the population, and prevent spreading of germs.
Marriage for love combined those ideas. Religion + culture + business. However now your agreeing to someone that your a unit. However you could still have all of the same merits that comes with all that was mentioned.