Want to Join the Military? Check Out the Pay Scale!

Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 06:39 pm
My brother is career army. He's been in for nearly 30 years. I've only heard him complain about pay or other benefits a couple of times in all of those years.

He did his undergraduate on ROTC scholorship and acquired three masters degrees while in the army.

He'll probably retire in about three years, as a General, with a full pension.

Meanwhile, he is already sorting through job offers in the private sector figuring that he has another 20 years or so of useful working life.

He is also the most healthy and physically fit 50 year old man I have ever known.

He's not complaining.

When you compare what someone with his smarts might have made in the private sector over 30 years is when it stops making sense. But he loves the army and believes in their goals and there aren't many private sector people who can say the same thing about their company.

To all of you soldiers, past, present and future -- thanks. Really thanks.
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Lady J
Reply Fri 19 Aug, 2005 10:56 am
Thank you, Noddy, c.i. and Boomer. It's good to know that others understand where I am coming from.

The mixed emotions are definitely there. The pride runs very deep considering the hard times my son went through in hitting the bottom before pulling himself out of the well. And even long before he finally decided to join the military ranks, Chris (my son) told me that if he did join, it would be career and not just a single enlistment. I truly believe him that it will be.

Yesterday, my former husband, myself and our daughter were at USMEPSCOM (United States Military Entrance Processing Command) Center in Oklahoma City to join Chris and witness his swearing in for active duty and watch him leave for the plane that took him to Fort Knox last night.

Chris never ceases to amaze me. When we arrived at 9am, he had already been there for several hours and was in one of the vocational counselors offices. They both came out several times and then went back in and finally Chris was off somewhere doing something else and the vocational counselor came up to us and said, "Man, he's really making me work this morning! He just added on Airborne." Wide eyed, I asked, "Instead of Cav Scout?" and he said, "No, in addition to Cav Scout." And then he went on to say that he has never had a new recruit come to him before and ask for more before they've even started.

But....apparently he did. And it really should not have surprised me. Since he was very young, he has been one who, once a subject or idea or concept intrigues him, he embraces so fully that he will not stop learning about it until he knows all he can possibly know. When his dad asked him later why he wanted to go and jump out of perfectly good airplanes, his answer was a very simple, "because I can." with a huge smile on his face.

I have never seen him happier than he was yesterday. During one of the many hugs he gave me while we were there, he told me that besides finally getting started on his career, the thing that made him most happy was seeing his dad, myself and his sister altogether there with him, something that has not happened in 13 years. And it really did feel like the family that we once had, long, long ago.

Today Chris is in Fort Knox, in Reception I am sure. We were told that that process could take as few as 3 days to as long as 3 weeks. Ugh!
Silly as it sounds, I know he is just dying to exhaust his body and his mind. Once he does get started, he'll be in Fort Knox for 9 weeks of basic and then another 17 weeks of advanced training and then on to Fort Benning for 3 to 4 weeks of jump school.

I believe he has found his passion and as his mom, I could not be happier.

Thank you guys for being here. Smile
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Reply Fri 19 Aug, 2005 11:07 am
Lady J--

Hold your dominion.
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Lady J
Reply Fri 19 Aug, 2005 03:28 pm
Thanks, Noddy,

I'm buckling in just in case its a bumpy ride......
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cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 19 Aug, 2005 03:49 pm
Lady J, Our son served two tours of duty in Saudi Arabia during the first Gulf War. We worried because of what happened in Rhyad (sp) even though he worked from bases in Saudi Arabia. He bought a Persian rug for us while stationed there, and it sits in front of our portable bar in the living room. Every time I go there, it reminds me of my son's service during war time.
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Lady J
Reply Fri 19 Aug, 2005 04:33 pm

You have every reason to be extremely proud of your son and his 12 years of service. That was a huge commitment he made to the Air Force and to our country. To have, what I am sure is a beautiful Persian Rug, to remind you of his dedication each time you look at it, must feel very, very good.

After a year at the University in Austin now, is he still contemplating re-enlisting to get his 20 years in? It's a tough time to make a decision to go in or go back in right now, especially after a taste of civilian life and if your son has a family of his own I'm sure.

Chris doesn't have a wife, or even a girlfriend and no kids, so he can fully dedicate himself to the task at hand. He definitely has his eye on OTS down the road and in order to do that, he must be the best that he can be.

When you next talk to your son, if he has any words of wisdom for mine, I would love to be able to pass them along. Thank you, c.i. Smile
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cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 19 Aug, 2005 06:22 pm
Our son was married at one time when he was in the service, but being assigned at different bases resulting in separation and divorce. He's now a major, so the pay isn't too bad, and the 20 years for the benefits is an important consideration.
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Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2005 05:29 pm
military pay
The pay in the military I think is pretty good, especially if you look at how little it was years ago. Throw in the bennies such as full medical and early retirement and it's not bad. However I do think there should be extra allotment if you're living in los angeles etc. to cover rent and so forth.

Also if you get injured on the job and get sent home the VA has good heatlh care. Being a vietnam vet on a low income they take care of all my medical care and it's far better then what I received when I worked and had an HMO. I only have to ask my doctor and he will put in request for any special tests that I feel I might need.
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Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2006 04:58 pm
http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/pay/bl05enlistedsalary.htm and here is the officer link http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/pay/bl05officersalary.htm that shows the average salaries for the military..that is including housing and allowances...those that live on base wont show that and will seem like their pay is a lot less, but you are getting free housing...your taxes will not show that either since the military has so many benefits that are tax free...and you don't pay for medical insurance for your family..and they are supposed to have all the inadequate housing fixed within the next few years..that is something I def. agree needed to be done as well as the raises that are going on.. However, as for enlisted, the pay isn't that bad with no college or anything beyond high school for most.....that is a lot more than you will find most high school grads making..and getting in benefits..as well as what they gain from the military in life and learning..

That is also the 05 pay not the 06, there was just a raise.. http://www.military.com/Resources/ResourcesContent/0,13964,78426,00.html this is the base rates..not including the housing and all the other tax free stuff "allowances"...pay and benefits are A LOT better than years ago, even 10 years ago...

My husband is in the naval reserves, 03E with 15 years of service, we get just over 10 grand a year just in the reserves, not bad for one weekend a month and two weeks a year.. ... It will be 16 years in April and will get another raise.. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2006 05:53 pm

Welcome to A2K.
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Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2006 05:58 pm
Thanks, I just wanted to write a quick reply to this topic...and I want to thank all the military for all their hard work! IMO, it would be nice to have the salaries go up another 10 percent in the next few years and then I believe most would be satisfied...I know they have been giving raises left and right the last few years..with another 3.1percent that went into effect this month..so, it is getting better..takes time..they deserve it..
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Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2006 06:05 pm
Absolutely they deserve more money.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2006 07:09 pm
They not only deserve more money, they deserve to have the best equipment money can buy. More money and good equipment is nice, but it doesn't help much when this administration and generals doesn't do their jobs right.
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Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2006 08:04 pm
I dont have much of an issue with thie admin...we are all entitled to our opinions.... Very Happy
have a nice evening..
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2006 08:09 pm
Ofcoarse we are all entitled to our opinion, but John Murtha has more credibility than most.

Murtha Says Army Is 'Broken, Worn Out'Dec 01 10:05 AM US/Eastern


Most U.S. troops will leave Iraq within a year because the Army is "broken, worn out" and "living hand to mouth," Rep. John Murtha told a civic group.

Two weeks ago, Murtha created a storm of comment when he called for U.S. troops to leave Iraq now. The Democratic congressman spoke to a group of community and business leaders in Latrobe on Wednesday, the same day President Bush said troops would be withdrawn when they've achieved victory, not under an artificial deadline set by politicians.

Murtha predicted most troops will be out of Iraq within a year.

"I predict he'll make it look like we're staying the course," Murtha said, referring to Bush. "Staying the course is not a policy."

Murtha, 73, the ranking Democrat on the House Appropriations defense subcommittee, expressed pessimism about Iraq's stability and said the Iraqis know who the insurgents are, but don't always share that information with U.S. troops. He said a civil war is likely because of ongoing factionalism among Sunni Arabs, and Kurds and Shiites.

He also said he was wrong to vote to support the war.

"I admit I made a mistake when I voted for war," Murtha said. "I'm looking at the future of the United States military."

Murtha, a decorated Vietnam war veteran, said the Pennsylvania National Guard is "stretched so thin" that it won't be able to send fully equipped units to Iraq next year. Murtha predicted it will cost $50 billion to upgrade military equipment nationwide, but says the federal government is already reducing future purchases to save money.

Murtha, who represents a western Pennsylvania district that includes Latrobe, was first elected to Congress in 1974.

Lt. Col. Chris Cleaver, spokesman for the Pennsylvania National Guard at Fort Indiantown Gap, said "there are some deployment concerns."

Cleaver said some guard units had to leave equipment in Iraq when they returned to the United States, which could cause training problems here.

But Cleaver also said most of the 2,100 Guard troops now deployed with the 2nd Brigade Combat Team can't be sent back to Iraq for a second tour of duty anyway, because of regulations that limit redeployment.
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Reply Thu 14 Sep, 2006 01:04 pm
political platforms
CI it sickens me to think that you politisize the mliitary but if you wanna play that game I will play it
Clinton cut Humint only built around 13 new ships, 0 new M1 abrams cut the Army divisions almost in half cut the Airforce Fighter Wings almost in halfhad a chance to capture Bin Laden but didnt after our embassies were bombed and 70% of the military was against him CHECK AND MATE
oh ya he went to russia in the 60's to get outa the draft
now you took a forum that was supposed to help benefit our soldiars and get them more money and all you wanted to do was rag on the president and by doing that you made me rip you apart.
by the way Bush got the MAJORITY OF THE MILITARY in 04. but you are smarter than everyone else arn't you
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