No, Miss Jane, I am not daft. But I am curious how you think a Judge would consider modifying a parental agreement just because dear old Dad thinks his ex is an idiot. If that were the case, then our Court system would be flooded with frivolous suits, just like this one would be.
The bottom line is that this is a parental disagreement, NOT abuse of any sort. For you to think OP would obtain full custody after years of a status quo is foolish. You've read one, yes, ONE instance of the point of view from the Dad. You refuse to accept there could be a valid point here from Mom.
For those who think looking at a child's things like a bedroom, phone or belongings is an invasion of privacy, well, ok, you're right. It is. So be it.
My job as a parent is to make sure my child is safe, secure and protected. I will monitor phone and internet usage. If deemed necessary, I will look through my children's possessions. A situation has arisen where transparency is important. It's not abuse to verify Truth. I will do it in a heartbeat.
If someone accuses my child of stealing, then, yes, it IS my job to seek out the Truth, even if that means a temporary invasion of privacy. There can be many reasons why a child could/would lie, and thinking your child would never lie/steal/bully is one of the silliest things ever. Of course children do these things. So do adults.
Hurling an insult at me doesn't phase me. It's parents that refuse to acknowledge a possible problem does. Please don't be one of "those" parents, you know the ones, where their own insecurities are transferred to someone else.