dagmaraka wrote:sorry, there ain't no knobs on this hellfire. but it's mightily enjoyable. i like it a lot.

ok glad you are used to it. But I would have gone for the Hellfire (TM) superdeluxe with thermostatic control. Latest model (brochure available at most churches) is really neat, and quite cheap considering the long term benefits.
ooooh. gotta upgrade! i need to send someone to church to pick up one of those brochures for me. for some reason they don't like my looks in there.
no worries
I'll bring one over for ya
dagmaraka wrote:(just peeping in? did i get it right? what do i win?)
I simply meant "BM" or the like..
yes, yes. i getcha. i just wanted to know what it meant literally - you know, practicing my german here...
dagmaraka, I feel I have got your nearly full image in this thread.
You would say otherwise?
You are great.
haha, i cannot argue with that, i would be dumb to!
thanks, you really made me smile today.
Ok, yes.. I'm back in Bergamo. T'was a really nice night, I'm glad it happened and it wasn't awkward as I feared it could be. Ul, her son, Dag and her friend were really cool.
I learnt a bit of austrian christmas from ul. She told the story in such a way that I couldn't help smiling all the way through it.
I wish I would've had time to stay in Vienna for more time and get to know the city better but hopefully I'll make a second Europe trip sometime and Vienna is really on the 'to visit again' places.
Ul, we sat and talked under the magnolia trees outside of Au Bon Pan, a nearby coffee shop. I thought maybe the walk was too long, glad to hear it wasn't. I noticed after a ways that you were wearing heels and thought we shouldn't wander too far.
Random observation that called Dag in mind: there's a Szlovak Sorozo in Budapest. Who'd knew? I looked at the menu, they served all kinds of unspeakables...
Joe, you really were lucky - the weather here has become cold and grey. Sleet and snow flurries are predicted for Wednesday and the rest of the week.
Littlek, I can't remember what I was wearing, but high heels? You are very sensitive and thoughtful.
Well, high heels to my way of thinking. The only reason I remember it was because I felt badly for making you walk so far in them.
well nimh, i read a book on slovak traditions and some of those were truly truly unspeakable. don't remember exactly, but i think the most appaling thing was something about an eldest brother (if not the father) had the right to spend the first night (or a brief part of it) with any brides marrying into the family. ehh, but before i outrage you all, i should fish this book out and verify all the nasty customs again - read it in high school.
Joe, great to hear from you. Both me and Magda had a great time. you were indeed lucky, today is "2 layers colder" then when you were here.
hello ul, hello littlek! time for bed. i shall be back in the morrow.
Wow, I thought weather was still good on Wien, good thing I got to see the 'light' side of the city and also that rain didn't hamper my ability to get around. Around here we rarely get sun these days (look at me, as if I'd lived here for a long time), I always miss the sun.
littlek, that day I learned that Dag spent some time with you and some other random facts.
Dag, I pretty sure arabs also have that custom with the newlybrides. The father gets the first night with her.
not marrying a slovak or an arab, then :-) ewww. i wonder how many were killed by resenting brides.
or how many brides ran off with the father/brother...
the Arab link doesnt sound like a modern-time one ...
didnt Russian noblemen also have "the right of the first night" when it came to their serfs' brides?
most likely. i'm just not getting married. period.
just marry somebody whose father and brother you also like!
marry someone who's father and brothers are all dead.