Hi Jepah
This was the reason for the break up. actually .. She gave me a three month notice. Took her kids to their fathers. We were dealing with the accusations of the 12 year old exposing herself. We were awaiting on outside support.. Get this.. nothing was available because we were told that we were already doing everything correctly...They would only intervene when we made a mess of things We hit a dead end. couldnt get to the next lvl of support because we had to have a referral front lower down.. We awaited counseling, privately. Set up some house rules. That when I noticed the intimidation starting. Mom was already reacting badly. the 12 year old was very sneaky and realy good at it. the young ones were a mess.. I put up a camera, wasnt recording. little light was n though.. it stopped it for a while. I new there was more to it. one day both the young ones openly shared with mom about the exposing. untill then ,it was only with me. They were terrified of her knowing??? She asked th 12 year old if she wanted to stay at her dad for a couple days. and she did. During that time. the littles confided in me a bunch of other stuff. including touching. Mom was planning on the 12 year old returning in a couple days. I hadnt been sharing all the intell with her at this point. Every time I did, she managed to snafu and fubar it .. and I was loosing the kids trust and any hope of getting to the bottom of things.. Mom was 110% positive that I had lost my mind and projected my delusions onto the kids.. When I got knowledge of the touching, i had to say something and ask that the eldest did not return home until we had more info on the subject.. legally, socially .. it blew up.. thats when i got the eviction notice.. anyways..bad turned to worse.. then disaster.. no contact order and homeless..
there is so much more... to much to right down..
My kid is pissed off. My step son. has flipped. .survival of course.. mom is the only one that doesnt know whats going on.. Or DOES she?? The eldest has pretty much told me that I lose.. ha ha.. I failed my son .. told him I would protect him and never leave him.. Ex is making me out to be crazy... I have a very precarious situation..
I am the only one that the kids have spoken too..
Its killing me
Beat Dad Dead