A woman after my own heart.
Feria is the BEST drug store hair color product.
Please note to all novices....money saving tip.
It is not necessary to mix and use the entire box in one sitting.
Feria is nice because the dye is liquid, in an amber colored bottle. The developer is a white cream. This applies to other brands too, where the dye may be in a tube.
You can pour half the white developer into a disposable, or old bowl, and add in half the dye, mixing together with a color applicator brush, which is cheaply found at Sally's or I guess drug store, like less than a buck. I have two that I've been using for years.
The remaining developer and dye are perfectly safe for a long time, as long as they remain separate in their own containers.
That way, if you have short hair, you can get 2, 3 or more applications from one box. Just as long as the ratios are correct. Don't worry, even that doesn't have to be this ultra exact formula. Consumer brands are made pretty goof proof.