Hmmm, the thing about databases is that they are essentially a collection of spreadsheets, but the spreadsheets are interrelated.
When I've made databases for myself, I usually make a big table, called RawData and put most of the data in there but in a lot of abbreviated forms. Then a number of smaller tables are created that are lookups.
For example, if I was doing a schedule, I might have a table with, I dunno
Code:Name DayAbbrev
Jane Tues
Mary Mon
Dave Sat
And that would be the RawData table, whereas I'd also create a DaysLookup table and that would be
Code:DayAbbrev DayName
Mon Monday
Sat Saturday
Tues Tuesday
And then if I wanted to see the data in the RawData table but with the days spelled out, I would link at DayAbbrev (the field common to both) and it would show up in the query as:
Code:Name DayName
Jane Tuesday
Mary Monday
Dave Saturday
Access can be sorted in any number of ways, including multiple sort levels, so you can sort by name of day or name of person or both in a hierarchy.
I hope this didn't add to the confusion.