Joe Rogan vs Neil Young: a speech / marketplace issue

Tue 8 Feb, 2022 12:11 pm
The March 2020 (!) "wearing masks in public" thing has been explained numerous times.

Did tony know that the virus was especially contagious in March?
Tue 8 Feb, 2022 12:13 pm
It was March 2020. There weren't enough. Nurses were using the same disposable paper masks for a week.

These stories were carried in all the major news sources. Are you suggesting a conspiracy at work?
Imagine my surprise that you are dismissing the FACT that he lied.

I've long learned to accept that misstatements, obfuscations, and lies are often woven into statements made by public officials, especially during situations where there is a perceived need to avoid panic while still implementing protective or defensive measures. What we don't know is what would have happened if the CDC had told everyone to secure an N95 mask in March 2020. We don't know what would have happened if we hadn't allowed USAmericans to reenter the country without being tested in March 2020. We don't know what would have happened without the early lockdowns.

Interestingly, we do know what would happen if people started assuming that vaccinations provided full immunity and felt they could return to "normal" because "epidemiologists, who pointed to the high efficacy of the vaccines and suggested that some, but not all, social distancing measures could be relaxed in certain circumstances." (Slate) – a new variant showed up and put the most people in hospitals since the beginning of the pandemic.

I guess I'm surprised that you think that human beings have the insight and ability to establish systems of government which behave unerringly in the face of any crisis or disaster. This is why we saw Trump recommending hydroxychloroquine, touting injections of disinfectants, and suggesting the internal use UV light, and other people saying that the choice not to get a vaccine and not being able to go to a movie theater is comparable to Jewish people being targeted and murdered.
0 Replies
Tue 8 Feb, 2022 12:16 pm
Did tony know that the virus was especially contagious in March?

Apparently he did. That's why he, the CDC, and many state public health agencies worked so hard to first make sure that medical personnel had sufficient PPE.
Tue 8 Feb, 2022 12:17 pm
And he didn't order a lockdown right then because . . .
0 Replies
Tue 8 Feb, 2022 12:26 pm
But I'm actually more interested in knowing why you forgive a guy like tony who thought it wise to not mention the fact that the PCR-test cycle threshold was set so high that it would give meaningless results. Some say the guy has charisma or something like that. I'm inclined to believe them in light of this unquestioning loyalty he receives from his fans.
0 Replies
Wed 9 Feb, 2022 08:39 am

Maybe a poster here knows what the "fact checkers" have said about tony's lie of omission and feigned ignorance regarding the fraudulent PCR-test. Let's see if anyone can bring a "fact checker's assessment of tony's obvious ineptness and clear his name once and for all.
0 Replies
Wed 9 Feb, 2022 09:32 am

Don’t let them do it.
Wed 9 Feb, 2022 09:37 am
Ya know, when ya down-thumb people you disagree with, but ya post no rebuttal, it means you have no answer to what they've presented, and that that makes you mad. Is that how you want to represent yourself?
Wed 9 Feb, 2022 09:51 am
I feel like thumbing down is often a cowardly form of trying to censure members. I think it’s a horrible addition to the site. Seems like the ignore feature could handle the only necessary help in avoiding opinions from people who members don’t like.
Wed 9 Feb, 2022 10:05 am
I pay no attention to it and don't see why it's here, either. It's hurtful to some and why encourage that? I think it should be deleted.
Wed 9 Feb, 2022 11:28 am
Several members have asked the site owner to get rid of it, but it remains. I think its original purpose was to allow members to collapse threads they weren’t interested in…? Anyway, *unlike*

Wed 9 Feb, 2022 02:09 pm
Is that how you want to represent yourself?

What are you talking about, comrade? Your comments are the most highly up-thumbed in this whole thread. Mine are routinely voted down.

And just to relieve you of any misapprehension, I don't thumb down posts, whether from you, maxdancona, or oralloy.

You also might be misconstruing the reason behind the lack of specific rebuttals to your points. The only one for which I had sufficient understanding and interest to make a response ("rebuttal" sounds way too formal) was this one about Fauci:
And he didn't order a lockdown right then because . . .

The simple answer is that, as far as I know, the CDC doesn't have that power. Lockdowns were ordered at the state level; the federal role is advisory.
Wed 9 Feb, 2022 02:38 pm
I don't think Johnstone is correct here. "It" actually is about covid misinformation. That's why Neil Young gave Spotify the ultimatum and pulled his content. But I agree, it's not about Joe Rogan, QAnon, Russian trolls, domestic extremists, or election security. It's not about "ruling power structures" either, but, given some of her other positions (9/11 Truth Action Project, Seth Rich conspiracy, absolving Russia of responsibility for hacking) I'm not surprised she takes that perspective.
0 Replies
Wed 9 Feb, 2022 03:43 pm
No, they're different. You can collapse a thread you don't want to see by clicking thumbs down on the thread, but when you're in a thread, people thumb down a post.
0 Replies
Wed 9 Feb, 2022 06:18 pm
What are you talking about, comrade?

If I thought anyone would be interested in what's going on in your mind when you call me comrade, I'd ask. But they're probably just as sure as I am that that would be about as interesting as a bag of snot.
Your comments are the most highly up-thumbed in this whole thread. Mine are routinely voted down.

And just to relieve you of any misapprehension, I don't thumb down posts, whether from you, maxdancona, or oralloy.

You also might be misconstruing the reason behind the lack of specific rebuttals to your points. The only one for which I had sufficient understanding and interest to make a response ("rebuttal" sounds way too formal) was this one about Fauci:

Dude, relax. No one expects you to explain why anyone does or doesn't thumb up or down. It's not important!

However, I do expect that you will explain why tony said nothing when the cycle threshold of the PCR-test was set so high that it was guaranteed to give meaningless results. Do you know what "meaningless results" means? Or do you believe that "meaningless results" is medical-speak for "it'll give us meaningful results."

And in case you've forgotten what it is you're about to explain, here it is:

“…If you get [perform the PCR test at] a cycle threshold of 35 or more…the chances of it being replication-confident [aka accurate] are miniscule…you almost never can culture virus [detect a true positive result] from a 37 threshold cycle…even 36…”

There are other medical authorities who've said the same thing. So, what's your best guess as to the reason for tony's negligence in the matter?

Oh, and have you heard anything from the CDC regarding their claim to being in possession of the virus. That's what they said first. They said that they had it. But later they admitted to not having it when forced to answer. And they don't have any information concerning its identification. They said that that they used a different virus as a reference point for research. Have they changed their stance again as far as you know?
Thu 10 Feb, 2022 04:54 am
No one expects you to explain why anyone does or doesn't thumb up or down. It's not important!

You seemed to think it was pretty important here:
Ya know, when ya down-thumb people you disagree with, but ya post no rebuttal, it means you have no answer to what they've presented, and that that makes you mad. Is that how you want to represent yourself?

and here:
What's with the down-thumbing? If you think I'm wrong, respond like an adult. Reactions from your panic-room are a dime a dozen.

It's not important.
And in case you've forgotten what it is you're about to explain, here it is:

You've just taken a statement out of context – no one's going to fall for that old trick!
Thu 10 Feb, 2022 08:29 am
hightor wrote:

He is stating an opinion that you don't agree with.

Opinions are one thing – featuring guests who make factual misstatements and deliberate falsehoods while Spotify makes $$$ off the resulting controversy is something else. If media hosts want to expose the public to a wide range of beliefs, both right and wrong, on events in the news I think they owe it to their audience to distinguish which ones are based on accepted science and which ones are speculative.
Speech that most people consider repugnant should be the most zealously protected speech, since dictatorship will often begin by silencing it before they move on to silencing all critics.

But in today's USA, dictatorship is a very unlikely scenario. A loss of social cohesion caused by the belief that we can choose our own "alternative facts" and live in a society where expertise and learning are devalued and the loudest voices dominate political discussion sets the stage for anomie.

All you're doing is defining your opinion as true so that then, anyone who disagrees is "spreading misinformation." It's a dictator's trick. Freedom of speech has distinguished America from every other country. You ought to be protecting it rather than arguing why some people don't deserve it.
Thu 10 Feb, 2022 09:06 am
You've just taken a statement out of context – no one's going to fall for that old trick!

No. The statement is clear. Tony said that a cycle threshold of anything over 35 will give nothing but meaningless results. You say that I've taken his statement out of context. You've had ample opportunity to put it in the proper context, but you always fail to do so. That's not a trick on my part. That would be you trying to trick people into believing in a context that doesn't exist. And, as proof that it doesn't exist, we have your failure to produce it. What kind of a trick is that?

You've made a claim. Now, put tony's statement in the proper context, or people are going to think you're just talking out your ass to defend your hero with a nonexistent context that is valid only in your head. So just bring it to the light, and we'll see what it really looks like.
Thu 10 Feb, 2022 09:20 am
I respect your take on the issue but it's not about my "opinions", it's about medical facts. I'm not the one determining the definition of truth here nor am I arguing against anyone's "freedom" to lie about anything he wishes. Malone can continue to lie about mRNA vaccines and people can continue to lie about Ivermectin — no one is being prosecuted, no one is going to jail. Neil Young objected to sharing his music on a platform with Rogan and left. That's his right.
Thu 10 Feb, 2022 09:34 am
The statement is clear.

It's taken out of context – which you can't seem to provide. And this thread isn't about PCR tests. With apologies to Lash:

WHO did not say PCR test flaw led to overstated COVID-19 cases

CLAIM: The World Health Organization admits that PCR tests to diagnose COVID-19 gave massive false positives, overinflating COVID-19 case numbers.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. A WHO press release is being misrepresented online to say it shows that polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for COVID-19 caused large scale false positives.

THE FACTS: Since the outset of the pandemic, some social media users have been falsely suggesting that false positive test results are the real reason behind the millions of reported COVID-19 cases.

The latest posts are misrepresenting a WHO information notice to spread the false claim online. In widely shared posts on Facebook and Twitter, social media users are claiming that WHO admitted that PCR tests were causing false positives. Polymerase chain reaction test kits determine the genetic material of the virus in cycles and rely on specialty lab equipment and chemicals. The PCR test is generally a more sensitive test compared to rapid antigen tests, which identify proteins from the virus.

WHO first released an informational notice on Dec. 14 to update lab technicians to clarify instructions when analyzing PCR tests for COVID-19. WHO then updated the news release and published it on Jan. 20. The January release was then amplified online by accounts claiming it revealed WHO’s failure.

“Wait. So there were too many false positives because the PCR tests were set at too high a threshold?” one Facebook post said. “Man, I hadn’t heard that anywhere —- except about 5 million times from reputable doctors who were conveniently silenced by the media for the past 10 months.”

But WHO did not make any admission nor did the health agency see a large scale number of false positives. The supposedly “massive” false positives being mentioned in the post were in fact much rarer. WHO told The Associated Press that it has received 10 reports of problems related to PCR tests for the detection of SARS-CoV-2.

“The reports were for misdiagnosis, both false positive and false negative results,” according to WHO. “After thorough investigation, WHO confirmed that tests were not always being used appropriately and in accordance with the instructions provided by the manufacturer.”

The release emphasized the importance of knowing the details about the patient, the number of cycles of testing done when analyzing the specimen provided as well as the patient’s clinical history.

PCR tests work by analyzing the viral load in cycles. Dr. Wafaa El-Sadr, a professor of epidemiology and medicine at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, said the higher the viral load in a patient the easier it is for a PCR test to become positive. More cycles of the test are needed to detect infections with a lower viral load, such as at the start or end of having the virus.

“It’s not a problem with the PCR test,” she said. “It’s the nature of how tests perform and how common the condition is in the population you are testing.”

According to WHO, lab professionals encountered problems with the tests “when they did not apply the recommended positivity threshold – this can result in either false negative results (if the threshold applied is lower) or false positives (if threshold is higher).”

“We know that very few PCR results are false positives and so they are absolutely not usually contributing to the number of positive test results that are called,” said Dr. Stanley H. Weiss, professor of medicine at the Rutgers New Jersey Medical School.


...or people are going to think you're just talking out your ass...

Who cares? What "people" are you talking about– a half dozen people I've never met? You're the one obsessed with what other people think of your post!


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