Wed 26 Jan, 2022 05:59 am
I manage a number of Facebook pages as part of my job. I deleted a certain post from all of them, that shouldn't have been deleted. I tried to recover it per instructions on the internet, but none of the solutions worked. There is no Trash in the Activity Log, and among the posts, there is no mentioned post. That advice seems to be good for my personal account, but not for these, maybe cause I'm not the only admin of them. If someone knows a way, please help. Otherwise, I've really messed up my superiors not just myself. Thank you.
Facebook has their own help center. I will agree their help center sucks which is why so many come here for help but we're not Facebook experts.
Quote:Move to Archive. When you move content to your Archive, it’ll only be visible to you. If you choose to restore your content, it’ll be visible to the audience that was selected before it was moved to Archive.
Move to Trash. When you move content to your Trash, it’ll stay there until it is automatically deleted 30 days later. While it’s in your Trash, it’ll only be visible to you.
During the 30 days, you can restore your content to where you originally posted it on Facebook, move it to your Archive or you can select content to delete before the 30 days are over. When you restore your content, it’ll be visible to the audience that was selected before it was moved to Trash.
After 30 days, the content will be automatically deleted and can’t be restored.