Ancient Footprints in the Sand

Reply Fri 17 Dec, 2021 02:30 am
Farmer Man, I might suggest that you not easily fall prey to these "intelligent design" people.

Their assumption is that because there is intelligent design then it must be God that put it there.

This is not really the only plausible scenario for intelligence.

Many things have intelligence and they are not God, ants have intelligence but this does not make them the creator.

A triangle has intelligence, it has "perspective", it has angles and linear logic and rigidity of form. Circles have intelligence they have a "point" and a radius that is unresolved in pi's seeming infinity.

But circles are eternal they transcend even a God, parallel lines have intelligence, they can be two thoughts that are analogous never agreeing.

Numbers have intelligence, they add up to the summation of ideas. Both negative and positive vectors that traverse every dimension.

Numbers exist in the isness of infinity and have no beginning or end just like geometry.

These intelligences, triangles, circles, parallel lines, numbers and vectors are all intelligences that comprise the fabric of our universe.

They are surely the intelligence for all that exists.
They alone are intelligent design and they need no God to create all that is, because these rudimentary intelligences exist, God is superfluous.

Parallel lines inhibit magnetism and circles are drawn out by magnetism into spheres and spheres become suns and suns make matter. All emanates from the black hole that is pi. The big bang is nothing more than pi.

Intelligence design is a buzzword that creationists seem to think only indicates their God exists but other intelligences exists and God is not necessary for those intelligences to work independent of any divine being...

The problem is not intelligent design, there is certainly intelligent design... but it is the erroneous idea that only God is the source of intelligence.

God didn't make geometry, geometry is part of the eternal isness just like God did not create love. Love has always been, if God is love and God's father had love then God father had God and so on. God prexisted himself. This is broken logic.

Some things have no beginning. A square becomes a cube and cubes are built upon cubes into all that is. Atoms are made from quarks and quarks are intelligence also, up, down, strange, charm...

These intelligences are the creative force behind all that is and they require no God... They transcend all existence...
They are intelligent design needing no God to create the universe.

The problem is not intelligent design, the problem is the inference made by the religious zealots that God is the only intelligence that is.
Reply Fri 17 Dec, 2021 06:49 am
Ive prached the simpl fact that chemical bonds are mostly estined by their driven valences and boning mechanisms . Only to have that ptretty much enied by the "insteins" of the present forces of ID.
ID has been a force sinc Rev Paleys musings about a mchanism lying on a moor.
Ive also perachd the possibility (All scientific and based on fact wre the proper evidence presented) of Panspermia, (With the only proviso is that merely places the bginning of life on erth in someone elses quadrant )

I respectfully buy your observations and th validity of such facts but in our present time, and ever since the USSC decision of Ewards v Aguillard, NO ID argument will satisfy the ID faction unless it is bound together with catechetical quizzes".
Iv been involved in the culture wars to be able to trust ANY viewpoint from the ID crowd that dos NOT admit fully to a religious base.
I have no problem with that, really. Iam able to argue my worldview.However I cannot accept a Discovery Institute worldview that " life began and was directed without a sliver of evidence.
they even have their chemistry manglrd and processes of evolution delivered in "Evangelical Code"
Reply Fri 17 Dec, 2021 08:51 am
farmerman wrote:
I respectfully buy your observations and th validity of such facts

It does not matter what the Evangelicals think, thinking it does not make it true. They do impose their will on society but even this does not make the things they are willing to believe true.

Even the earth, the spherical shape of the earth with all of the resonant magnetic properties of its elements along with the sun are enough to furnish evolution with the needed properties for life.

Chemistry is the product of geometry even in the resonating orbitals of the atom.

Life is the product of the earth's geometry, and chemistry.

As the sun is the product of its own geometry and chemistry.

Some scientists are unwilling to call geometry and chemistry "intelligence", thus they also deny that the earth and sun are intelligent entities.

This only leaves a vacuum for religious people to insert their invisible white haired Gods in there instead.

The geometry and chemistry that make the Sun and Earth are intelligent and therefore the Earth and Sun also exhibit these same characteristics of intelligence. They in turn are the intelligence behind evolution.

Evolution is the intelligent design of the Earth and Sun. The Earth and Sun are the God behind our existence just as The Big Bang is the intelligence behind the creation of our universe. And perhaps quantum particles are the intelligence behind the big bang all leading back to "geometry" which is the intelligence behind everything/all that is.

Geometry is intelligence... Just as all sound is the addition and multiplication of the geometry within sine waves in various patterns.

Our universe is the manifestation of geometry. Geometry is the language and syntax of intelligence.

No bearded man in the sky did this... This great universe of ours and all of its parts are the product of geometry and its inherent properties, shapes and rigid forms.

The image of God is geometry... and geometry itself can create an infinity of sounds and shapes. From a single point, to a circle and a line drawn from that circle's center to all points outside of its circumference.
Reply Fri 17 Dec, 2021 10:44 am
Euclid and Pythagoras, these people were the sons of God.
Reply Fri 17 Dec, 2021 05:44 pm
Even the earth, the spherical shape of the earth with all of the resonant magnetic properties of its elements along with the sun are enough to furnish evolution with the needed properties for life.

Chemistry is the product of geometry even in the resonating orbitals of the atom.

Life is the product of the earth's geometry, and chemistry.
Reply Fri 17 Dec, 2021 05:45 pm
Now ya lost me there. I have no idea of what youre saying
Reply Fri 17 Dec, 2021 06:26 pm
And, that is the normal state of affairs. Neither do I.
The Anointed
Reply Sat 18 Dec, 2021 01:05 am
The problem is not intelligent design, the problem is the inference made by the religious zealots that God is the only intelligence that is.

God is all that exists my friend, he is the singularity from which all being, intelligent or otherwise, originates, and to which all being returns at the close of each generation of the universe.

And that which we call God, through whom all things were created, by whom all things were created and for whom all things were created, is the God, who is one, the great singularity in who all things exist, is the same today as it was yesterday and will be into all eternity. It is the eternal constant, in that it has been constantly evolving, and will continue to evolve from everlasting to everlasting. The only mind that can cease to evolve, is the mind that has ceased to exist.

The first law of thermodynamics is the same as the first law of conservation and that is, that energy can neither be created or destroyed. If energy cannot be created, then it always was, and if it can never be destroyed, it always will be. Therefore, according to this law, energy must be eternal, having neither beginning or end. Energy can be and is converted to that which we perceive as matter. In fact, this apparent material universe at the time of the Big Bang, was pure electromagnetic energy, which, in my opinion was spewed out of a ‘WHITE HOLE,’ in the trillions upon trillions of degrees, which has been converted to that which we perceive as matter, only to be re-converted to its original form as electromagnetic energy during the phase of the Big Crunch.

If you believe that a universe of mindless matter has produced beings with intrinsic ends, [in Kantian terminology, an end-in-itself, self- replication capabilities, and “coded chemistry”? Then you must accept that it is the eternal energy, which has neither beginning or end, that has become this material universe and has developed a mind that is the compilation of all the information gathered by all the diverse life-forms that ‘it,’ [The Eternal Energy] has become, the collective consciousness of all that it is.

Every living thing within this apparent boundless cosmos, are merely information gatherers for the eternal energy which manifests itself as this living universe and is all that exists and is, ’THE GREAT THOUGHT,’ the collective consciousness of all that exists. At any given point in time, you are no more than inches away from a spider, fly, ant, or any other of the many information gatherers of the eternal, who is all that exists.

Jeremiah 23: 23-24; “I am a God who is everywhere and not in one place only. No one can hide where I cannot see him. Do you not know that I am everywhere in heaven and on earth? He has eyes and ears everywhere throughout the universe that is he.

It has now been revealed that matter is no more than an illusion. Quantum physicists have revealed that so called physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating, each one radiating its own unique energy signature.

If you observe the composition of an atom with a microscope you would see a small, invisible tornado-like vortex, with a number of infinitely small energy vortices called quarks and photons. These are what make up the structure of the atom. As you focused in closer and closer on the structure of the atom, you would see nothing, you would observe a physical void. The atom has no physical structure, we have no physical structure, physical things really don’t have any physical structure! Atoms are made out of “INVISIBLE ENERGY”, not tangible matter.

Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: “The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like ‘A GREAT THOUGHT’ than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. (R. C. Henry, “The Mental Universe”; Nature 436:29, 2005)

A singularity is a region of space-time in which matter is crushed so closely together that the gravitational laws explained by general relativity break down. In a singularity, the volume of space is zero and its density is infinite. Scientists believe such a singularity exists at the core of a black hole, which occurs when a super-massive sun reaches the end of its life and implodes.

General relativity also demands such a singularity must exist at the beginning of an expanding universe, from which singularity our eternal oscillating and ever evolving universe is resurrected to continue on in that everlasting process.

Russian physicist and mathematician Alexander Friedmann, in the early 1920s, became the first person to embrace the idea that the equations of Einstein’s general theory of relativity called for a universe in motion.

The Friedmann universe begins with a Big Bang and continues expanding for untold billions of years—that’s the stage we’re in now. But after a long enough period of time, the mutual gravitational attraction of all the matter slows the expansion to a stop. The universe then starts to fall in on itself, replaying the expansion in reverse. Eventually all the matter collapses back into a singularity, in what physicist John Wheeler likes to call the “Big Crunch.”

“According to the ancients, we live in an eternal oscillating universe that expands outward and contracts back to its beginning in space time. A universe that exists in the two states of seemingly visible matter and invisible energy.”

“Universe after universe is like an interminable succession of wheels forever coming into view, forever rolling onwards, disappearing and reappearing; forever passing from being too non-being, and again from non-being to being. In short, the constant revolving of the wheel of life in one eternal cycle, according to fixed and immutable laws, is perhaps after all, the sum and substance of the philosophy of Buddhism. And this eternal wheel has so to speak, six spokes representing six forms of existence.” ---- Mon. Williams, Buddhism, pp. 229, 122.

The days and nights of Brahma are called Manvantara, or the cycle of manifestation, ‘The Great Day,’ which is a period of universal activity, that is preceded, and also followed by ‘Pralaya,’ a dark period, which to our finite minds would seem as an eternity, or but a moment in time.

‘Manvantara,’ is a creative day, a period of universal activity of light and life, as seen in the six days of creation in Genesis. ‘Pralaya,’ is the evening that proceeds the next creative day, and is seen as the period of rest for the “GREAT THOUGHT’. The six periods of Creation and the seventh day of rest in which we now exist are referred to in the book of Genesis 2: 4; as the “GENERATIONS OF THE UNIVERSE.”

The English word “Generation,” is translated from the Hebrew “toledoth,” which is used in the Old Testament in every instance as ‘births,’ or ‘descendants,’ such as “These are the generations of Adam,” or “these are the generations of Abraham, and Genesis 2: 4; it is written concerning the six days of creation; “These are the generations of the Universe or the heavens and earth, etc.” And the ‘Great Day’ in which the seven generations of the universe are eternally repeated, is the eternal cosmic period, or the eighth eternal day in which those who attain to perfection, are allowed to enter, where they shall be surrounded by great light and they shall experience eternal peace, while those who do not attain to perfection are cast back into the refining fires of the seven physical cycles of endless rebirths that perpetually revolve within the eighth eternal cosmic cycle.

Enoch the righteous, wrote that God created an ‘EIGHTH’ day also, so that it should be the first after his works, and it is a day eternal with neither hours, days, weeks, months or years, for all time is stuck together in one aeon, etc, etc, and all who enter into the generation of the Light beings, are able to visit all those worlds that still exist in Space-Time, but not in our time.

A series of worlds following one upon the other-- each world rising a step higher than the previous world, so that every later world brings to ripeness the seeds that were imbedded in the former, and itself then prepares the seed for the universe that will follow it.

According to the scriptures, at the close of each period, or generation of the eternally oscillating universe, all the information gathered in that generation, is encapsulated within the singularity from which the next generation, or the next expanding universe will be created by 'INTELLIGENT DESIGN"..

Reply Sat 18 Dec, 2021 05:54 am
@The Anointed,
no denying where your head resides. Can you use the words "recalcitrant Plebny" in a meaningful sentence?
I am stoned as hell right now so everything sounds really funny. My son scored some major hemp this week and when I just read that above word salad of yours I started laughing and Now Im hungry as hell. lets have a canolli or two.
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Reply Sat 18 Dec, 2021 05:57 am
@The Anointed,

And that which we call God, through whom all things were created, by whom all things were created and for whom all things were created, is the God, who is one, the great singularity in who all things exist, is the same today as it was yesterday and will be into all eternity.
Sounds like Abe Lincoln wrote that on a train on the back of an envelope on his way to a little town in Pennsylvania.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Dec, 2021 06:44 am
TheCobbler wrote:

Euclid and Pythagoras, these people were the sons of God.

Pythagoras is mentioned in 12th Night, not because of squares of hypotenuses, but because he believed in transubstatiation of the species, that people are reincarnated as animals.

Fare the well. Remain thou still in darkness:
Thou shalt hold the opinion of Pythagoras ere I will
Allow of thy wits, and fear to kill a woodcock, lest
Thou dispossess the soul of thy grandam. Fare the well.
Reply Sat 18 Dec, 2021 10:17 am
@The Anointed,
You need to force your politicized God into the equation to feed your power hungry agenda. "Anointed" lol

You can't stand the fact that the entire universe exists without any help whatsoever from your pathetic and maniacal, made-in-your-own-image God.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Dec, 2021 10:26 am
I am sure these ancient mathematicians were tinged with the superstitious world in which they lived. Human minotaurs and one eyed giants... It would be nearly impossible to be a rational thinker amidst that kind of stimulus.

Perhaps this was his cynical way of protesting the mass murder of animals for sport in his day...

Between the Greeks and Romans, many animals species nearly went extinct.

The senseless slaughter of animals for sport certainly does make one consider how truly barbaric humanity can be.

This includes the animal sacrifices to the blood hungry Gods.

God was the first slaughterer of animals when he gave Adam and Eve "skins" to wear.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Dec, 2021 12:18 pm
Iron. Iron is an extremely well-known ferromagnetic metal. It is, in fact, the strongest ferromagnetic metal. It forms an integral part of the earth's core and imparts its magnetic properties to our planet. Sep 20, 2019

This is basic chemistry, a field I am quite well studied in as well as geometry.

At one point I had the Euclidean assumptions and axioms "memorized".

Did you bother to memorize them FM?

Biology exposed to millions of years of the magnetic properties of the earth, sun and moon are what caused life to evolve.

This is not astrology, this is "science".

Or do you prefer the, and God said... route?

If you can't follow along please don't infer that I don't know what I am talking about.

That is also rude and condescending and I have not been rude to you.
Reply Sat 18 Dec, 2021 12:21 pm
This is also condescending.

Perhaps it is your fault that you don't understand?

0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Dec, 2021 12:43 pm
It seems Shakespeare also believed in witchcraft, curses, ghosts and a whole slew of other superstitions.

I am not a very superstitious person at all, I do enjoy speculation.

Like, I do believe in angels, but they are "human angels", like doctors and nurses and people who selflessly care for others. That is about as far as I can take that idea...

As for any kind of afterlife, I don't see any evidence that that exists at all. It seems highly improbable.

I simply don't know and so I do not put much belief in that.

As for astrology, I do not believe the planets have much force on nature on the earth but they do have some very minor effect. While the sun and moon have an incalculable effect on the earth and the life here.

Incalculable... meaning, HUGE...

I feel that some scientists are just as blind as many religious people.

While the answers to what created life to evolve are here staring them right in the face, "the Earth" and "the Sun" they still just don't see it...

I once got ridiculed and laughed at on this forum for saying "plants talk".

Then I posted the science articles of how a whole forest of plants communicate with each other through chemical signals in their roots and that shut up the doubters. Root systems of plants are very similar to human brain anatomy... It is chemical signals in our brains that enable us to think and communicate.

Plants do talk, they have a complex form of communication... The arrogance of some science people often rivals that of the religious.

Science can be a religion too that incorporates blind faith just as much as religion. We don't know so we can't speculate and anyone who does is "crazy".

Somewhere in the middle of the science and religion dichotomy is discovery and learning.
Reply Sat 18 Dec, 2021 01:14 pm
Shakespeare wrote plays, his characters are just that, they don't reflect what he thinks or believes.

I think you are referring to Macbeth. This was written for James I, now he did believe in witches.

In 1590, when sailing back to Scotland from Denmark his ship encountered a terrible storm which he blamed on witchcraft.

300 men and women from North Berwick were arrested and charged with seeking to destroy the king.

A confession was obtained from an Agnes Sampson, she said that she travelled in a sieve to North Berwick kirk to meet Satan. He told them to drown a cat which would conjure up a storm.

This confession was extracted under torture and Agnes along with any others was burned at the stake.

James wrote a book on witchcraft called Demonologie.

Shakespeare wrote a propaganda piece for James,incorporating elements of the trials in the witches speeches.

They sail in serves they are rats without tails and can on jure winds.

When Macbeth goes to see the witches he asks them about Banquo, and his line of Kings,he is shown a mirror and says that the line seems to stretch on to the rack of doom.

Now, the characters in Macbeth are based on real historical figures,but Shakespeare took liberty with actual events. The real Macbeth did not murder Duncan, he defeated, and killed, him on the battlefield.

Banquo was one of James' ancestors and scholars have suggested that when the play was performed in front of the king, his reflection is shown in the mirror.

Macbeth is a well crafted play, and a wonderful piece of propaganda as well as a vanity piece for the king. It tells us nothing whatsoever about what Shakespeare believed. He may have believed I them,or he may have been a more enlightened figure like Reginalc Scot whose Discoverie of Witchcraft in 1584 attacks, the "tyrannicall crueltie of witchmongers and inquisitors," and casts doubt on the claims made about witches.
Reply Sat 18 Dec, 2021 01:23 pm
If youve ever read any of my posts you dont really need to lecture. Where do you say that I criticzed you for being rude?? I think youve got someone else in mind.

chemistry, mostly geochemistry are where I v made my living these last 43 years.

PS,Iron, in its native state is almost ALWAYS paramagnetic, because why??)
Reply Sat 18 Dec, 2021 02:08 pm

Elemental iron and iron (III) are paramagnetic because of the necessity of unpaired electrons in their orbitals. Iron (II) is also in this same position most of the time. When iron (II) is bonded to certain ligands, however, the resulting compound may be diamagnetic because of the creation of a low-spin situation.

My question is what are the effects of paramagnetics on biology and other elements on a spherical planet traveling at about 2.2 million kilometers per hour through space over millions of years?


DNA is most certainly affected if not directly manipulated by magnetism.
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Reply Sat 18 Dec, 2021 02:17 pm
Very fascinating history Izzy! I do differentiate Shakespeare's writings from, his actual beliefs. I agree that his own beliefs are unknown and not necessarily gleaned from his stories.
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