Phyllis Clayton, 58 dies of heart attack after getting a covid vaccine.

Wed 8 Dec, 2021 08:26 am
No, I am not saying she died of a heart attack BECAUSE she got a covid vaccine. That would be silly. But there are people who are vaccinated who are dying of heart attacks because whether you are vaccinated or not, heart disease (not covid) is still the number one cause of death.

And in case you are wondering. Phyllis Clayton is a fake person. I made her up. Because using the death of a real person to make a political point would be an asinine thing to do.

Of course, I am posting this to point out that the continuing stream of Covid Death porn threads is both ridiculous and obscene. If people stop making thread after thread celebrating the death of unvaccinated people, I will stop making threads parodying them.

Maybe we could just have one catch all thread for everyone who got what they deserved when they died of a global pandemic.
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bobsal u1553115
Wed 8 Dec, 2021 09:36 am
Trick question: What did the Phylis Clayton die of, Covid or a heart attack?

She died of a fake ******* heart heart attack, not fake Covid. She will be missed by her fake family after a fake viewing of the fake body and a fake funeral.

Meanwhile, at least 1000 real people died yesterday, so get your vax and boosters, mask and stay clear of morons with fake examples of fake death by fake causes. Pretending real people you and I know aren't dying because it puts the lie to the fake outrage over fake death "porn" is the real obscenity here.


Wed 8 Dec, 2021 11:49 am
@bobsal u1553115,
I answered that already. Phyllus died of a heart attack

More people die per day of heart disease than covid. Vaccination does not change that.

Thu 9 Dec, 2021 03:12 am
Once more you should get a job writing news headlines for the Fox network.
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Thu 9 Dec, 2021 08:05 am
But there are people who are vaccinated who are dying of heart attacks because whether you are vaccinated or not, heart disease (not covid) is still the number one cause of death.

No one disputes that. But it doesn't affect the healthcare system the way a pandemic does.
Because using the death of a real person to make a political point would be an asinine thing to do.

Actually it's an effective way to alert people to the danger of vaccine refusal. If people think the stories are fictional they're unlikely to take the threat seriously.
Of course, I am posting this to point out that the continuing stream of Covid Death porn threads is both ridiculous and obscene.

You're still the only one who treats these stories as pornography.
If people stop making thread after thread celebrating the death of unvaccinated people, I will stop making threads parodying them.

Knock yourself out. No one else cares.
Maybe we could just have one catch all thread for everyone who got what they deserved when they died of a global pandemic.

Thu 9 Dec, 2021 08:52 am
Bullshit Hightor! There is nothing informative about posts from liberal extremists mocking people who have died. They are nasty political jabs. Some of them may not even be true.

This is the extreme left versus the extreme right mud fighting; libtards vs. magatards. That where the discourse is at.

There is no discourse, no attempts to understand, no moderation and not even a sincere attempt to reach out to people outside of your bubble. It is just two extremes scoring nasty political points at each other.
Thu 9 Dec, 2021 08:53 am
And... If no one cared, no one would be responding to this thread.
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Thu 9 Dec, 2021 09:13 am
maxdancona wrote:

Bullshit Hightor! There is nothing informative about posts from liberal extremists mocking people who have died. They are nasty political jabs. Some of them may not even be true.

Why do you persist in seeing these posts as mocking? I don't get that. And anyway, he's just re-posting - it's already out there. So who posted the original post that he re-posted?

And what is your definition of liberal extremist? I need to know if I'm one of your liberal extremists or one of oralloy's progressives.
0 Replies
Thu 9 Dec, 2021 09:23 am
Bullshit Hightor!

So insightful; I'm really impressed with your eloquence.
There is nothing informative about posts from liberal extremists mocking people who have died.

How can you say that? I never heard about these people until I read about them in these threads. They all contain biographical material which is informative.
Some of them may not even be true.

Oh, you mean like your "Phyllis Clayton"?
This is the extreme left versus the extreme right mud fighting; libtards vs. magatards.

Not really. The stories are always one-sided, told from the perspective of those who support public health measures like vaccination. I haven't noticed any "mud fighting" in the articles.
There is no discourse, no attempts to understand, no moderation and not even a sincere attempt to reach out to people outside of your bubble.

Of course not. They aren't set up to be dialogical exchanges; they represent a point of view, an opinion.
It is just two extremes scoring nasty political points at each other.

No, as I already pointed out, they aren't two-sided arguments directed at one another. Nor have I seen anything particularly "nasty" about them.
And... If no one cared, no one would be responding to this thread.

That's not logical. No one cares if you continue to make parody threads. That doesn't mean people won't reply to them, it just means your threat is rather empty.
bobsal u1553115
Thu 9 Dec, 2021 09:47 am

Just for you, you little porn peddler you. your willful ignorance is obscene and killing people.

The pornographer in the room is you. Trying to bury the testimony of health care workers and your poor dying friends and families who bought into the **** you sell is filthy porn.

Shame on you for trying to sanitize this **** your libertarian buddies worship.
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Thu 9 Dec, 2021 10:08 am
I’m Furious at the Unvaccinated


I recently found out that a friend of mine — a smart guy — was not vaccinated, and I confronted him about it.

How could he have not gotten his vaccination? And how had he not seen fit to tell me and our other mutual friends? Wasn’t he worried about the risk he was posing not just to himself, but to the rest of us?

He tried to laugh it off, offering up a bunch of concerns rooted in conspiracy theories. But I told him that he had to get vaccinated, period.

The next time I saw him, he was worried about the Omicron variant and asked if I would go with him to get the jab. I texted him a site where he could register and told him to let me know once he had. That was Saturday. He still hasn’t signed up.

I am disappointed, and I am angry, not just with my friend but with all the people who are choosing not to get vaccinated.

There was a point, earlier on in the pandemic, when vaccines were still scarce, when I tried to be tolerant with the holdouts, tried not to shame them, tried not to be angry with them, tried to allow them time to educate themselves about the benefits of getting vaccinated.

But that time has long since passed for me. Call me one of the intolerant. That’s what I am. I will not coddle willful ignorance anymore. I will not indulge the fool’s errand of “I’m still doing my own research” anymore, either.

This virus has already killed nearly 800,000 Americans and infected nearly 50 million. We are now averaging about 120,000 new cases a day.

This virus is deadly and unrelenting. The only way out of this situation, for our country and the world, is through the vaccines. We must dramatically shrink the number of people vulnerable to the virus — or else we risk allowing our population to act as a petri dish for the growth of variants.

In July, Michael Saag, a professor of medicine and infectious diseases expert at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, told The Guardian: “Unvaccinated people are basically the cannon fodder of the virus. The virus needs people to infect in order to replicate and the more people it has that are vulnerable or susceptible to infection, the more likely it will mutate.”

The unvaccinated don’t only leave themselves vulnerable to the virus, they make everyone more vulnerable.

I have heard all the reasons for resistance. There are the people who have politicized the virus and see getting vaccinated through a partisan lens. There are the people who view government pressure, and especially mandates, to put something in your body as overreach and anathema to the American ideal of independence and freedom. There are people who don’t trust the government, sometimes with good reason.

I have heard it all. And I reject it all.

There are just too many fresh graves pocking the land to entertain these objections. And too many lives disrupted, as people grieve lost loved ones, alter their employment, and keep their children home from school.

When this pandemic first exploded, I thought that it would be a disruption of a few months. We are now closing in on year two, and while some offices and schools have reopened, cases are again surging in many parts of this country, and the Omicron variant has spooked markets around the world.

We now have to consider the very real possibility that the virus will not be eradicated, but will become endemic. The journal Nature put this more directly in February: “The coronavirus is here to stay.” In a survey of more than 100 immunologists, researchers and virologists, the journal found that almost 90 percent thought that the coronavirus would become endemic. As Nature put it at the time, “it will continue to circulate in pockets of the global population for years to come.”

Even if eradication is all but impossible, it is possible to control the virus and mitigate its spread, if more people are vaccinated.

So yes, I am furious at the unvaccinated, and I am not ashamed of disclosing that. I am no longer trying to understand them or educate them. Barriers to access have fallen. The only reason for remaining unvaccinated that I now accept is from people who have medical conditions that prevent it.

All others have a choice to either be part of the solution or part of the problem. The unvaccinated are choosing to be part of the problem.

Thu 9 Dec, 2021 11:10 am
Thank you Hightor, you are now being honest. My question is what good is your outrage? What does it accomplish.

Let's look at the facts.

1. Covid is a deadly pandemic that has killed almost 800,000 people in the US.

2. The percentage of unvaccinated people who will die of covid is very small.

3. It is relatively unlikely that an unvaccinated person will get covid. Most unvaccinated people who get covid will have only minor symptoms. Less than 5% of the unvaccinated people who get covid will need to be hospitalized. And an even smaller percentage of those will die.

4. Some hospitals are facing critical bed shortages. Having more people vaccinated will help this problem.

5. Vaccines are safe and effective and greatly decrease your chance of catching or spreading the virus, and reduce the

6. In spite of that, there is a percentage of people (between 20 and 30%) who don't want to get the vaccination.

Thu 9 Dec, 2021 11:17 am
In spite of your outrage you can't force people who don't want to get vaccinated to get vaccinated against their will. Your rage accomplishes noting.

1. These attempts to publicly shame people who don't want to get a vaccine don't convince anybody. All they do is worsen the political division. Your attacks on the "unvaxxed" may result in fewer people changing their minds once you call someone a "stupid magatard" you lose any ability to talk to them reasonably.

2. Firing people who aren't vaccinated leads to labor shortages. Sanctions lead to covid passport fraud and are often counter-productive.

3. Outreach is effective, the people who are engaging with the unvaccinated in a respectful way, and listening to them is the best way to increase vaccination rates while giving people informed consent.

4. Even with all of this, there will be some people who refuse the vaccine. That is what happens when you have a free society, we offer people informed consent, and when someone has consent sometimes they decide to say "No".

That is just reality. Your outrage accomplishes nothing.
Thu 9 Dec, 2021 11:50 am
I have a confession: if I would not be risking my life by doing so, I'd refuse to get the vaccine just to spite the left and their silly phony outrage.

Of course, my life comes first. Since refusing the vaccines would be risking my life, I'm not going to refuse the vaccines. I'm instead going to keep aggressively getting booster shots every six months.

But deep down I'd just love to spite the left. Their phony outrage is just begging for the rudest and most offensive response that I can come up with.
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bobsal u1553115
Thu 9 Dec, 2021 02:29 pm
I've had friends here who let me believe they were vaxxed. One is dead and there have been family members of others who were treating themselves with horse dewormer.

I am furious with the politicians and RW pundits who sell the lies to the unvaxxed.
Thu 9 Dec, 2021 02:41 pm
maxdancona wrote:

In spite of your outrage you can't force people who don't want to get vaccinated to get vaccinated against their will. Your rage accomplishes noting.

What outrage and whose outrage? What the hell are you talking about and who are you talking to? The only outrage I see is yours. What rage? OMG max... you are the extremist here.

maxdancona wrote:
1. These attempts to publicly shame people who don't want to get a vaccine don't convince anybody. All they do is worsen the political division. Your attacks on the "unvaxxed" may result in fewer people changing their minds once you call someone a "stupid magatard" you lose any ability to talk to them reasonably.

Who's publicly shaming? What attacks on the untaxed? Who's calling anyone a stupid magatard to their face?

maxdancona wrote:
3. Outreach is effective, the people who are engaging with the unvaccinated in a respectful way, and listening to them is the best way to increase vaccination rates while giving people informed consent.

Yeah, but it hasn't worked for 30% of your population, has it?

maxdancona wrote:
That is just reality. Your outrage accomplishes nothing.

Neither does your outrage or lectures or pomposity.
Thu 9 Dec, 2021 02:44 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
You may still have friends, bobsal. Unless you demand all of your friends show documentation... and even so, it could be forged.

I am curious, your unvaccinated friend who died, did you attend the funeral. I hope you were respectful.
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Thu 9 Dec, 2021 02:49 pm
Silly Mame.

Didn't you say that you don't feel that it is a tragedy when a magatard dies of covid?

Either you are outraged, or you aren't outraged. I will let you speak for yourself, but you cant have it both ways.
Thu 9 Dec, 2021 02:57 pm
Silly, silly max.

Your outrage at the perceived outrage of others precedes you, follows you, swirls all over you, and swallows you up. Only an extremist would posit some of the things you've said. You name-call when you refer to people (those of us here, I imagine) as 'extreme liberals'.

I said it wasn't a tragedy. I didn't say it wasn't sad, or regrettable. I just like to be concise and accurate when I use a word. Sad, yes. Regrettable, yes. Tragic, no.
Thu 9 Dec, 2021 05:56 pm
Someone dying of covid is a tragedy (by any reasonable definition of the word).

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