Well I will step in with my views. I have followed this for some months and argued on two seperate forums for posts that went for over 22 and 30 pages respectively (the one still going is below).
I see the debate is still going strong, and the central theme for the anti-gay requal rights group is still:
"We believe in our God so we get more rights than you do".
Its hidden by saying well marriage is a scared thing by God - which it isn't - it predates Christian theologies by millennia, and there are over 5,000 religous faith systems with a diety different from that of Christians.
Its hidden by saying Gays are unnatural - ignoring about 11% of the world and all animal kingdoms populations studied appear to be gay.
Its hidden by the constitution is morale and morality come from God so the constutition should retract freedom if it conflicts with the suspected individual morality of the forefathers signing the constitution - very hyprocritical.
Its hidden by saying gays seem aggressive and pushy today - probably the way Indians seemed pushy to the first white settlers.
Existence, God, creation and intelligent life can be argued equally strongly saying it was either all Gods will (faith) or it was simply random chance (quantum physics and evolution). Both paths get you exactly here today given sufficient time.
God allows free will - anti-gay christan groups don't, God says don't judge - as does your constitution say all men are equal - the anti-gay group wants that retracted or amended, the High Court (Mass.) upholds what is fair for all - you call them radicals and want them quashed.
Is it the Christian society that is upset here or is it the descendents of the same white settlers that wiped out 99% of the native indians looking for new targets of opportunity?
Didn't Jesus actually
command "love thine enemy"?