Tue 5 Oct, 2021 10:05 am
I understand that pursuant to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, the operator of a website may not be responsible for the content input by users.
However, my co-op (similar to a condo) prohibits any opinion expressed on its website by residents. It says that this is to avoid legal liability.
It appears to me that it has no liability per Section 230.
Is there a different law for co-ops or entities that only allow its members on its website?
Maybe that's just subterfuge... it may be they won't want things to get political or members getting steamed up, etc.
I am secretary for my homeowners association. I cannot provide any email addresses to any other member. I hide the cc addresses on any communication sent out to members.
The web site is not interactive, it is for information only. No one can post on the site except the President and Secretary.