Sun 22 Aug, 2021 08:44 am
My last period was on 2nd July. I had unprotected sex on 14 July and took plan B 2 hours later.
I had light menstrual-like bleeding during 23rd July that lasted for 3 days, but I can't confirm whether it is menstruation or other forms of bleeding.
My period is supposed to come around 2nd August this month but it was missed. I took two urine pregnancy tests 2 weeks after my missed period, both of them turned out negative.
My pregnancy-like symptoms persist. It's 22nd August, but I still haven't got my period. What are the chance? Should I retest or visit the GP?
Visit your GP. No matter what anyone else here tells you, you won't rest until you hear things from a doctor, one way or the other.
Acquaint yourself with side effects of taking plan b2.
What symptom(s) of pregnancy do you have?
Of course, see your Dr. if you are still concerned.
BTW- there are other issues that need concern besides pregnancy. If this person is older than you, he may have had many partners before. You need to protect yourself from getting an STD. Have you discussed condoms with him?
Discuss all this with your Dr. It’s so much more than the woman taking a pill.
Very scientific answer. Thank you very much.