Quote:What we won't accept is election rules that allow anyone to cheat who feels like it(...)
How does expanding early voting in polling stations or 24 hour voting allow people to cheat? It simply allows people more opportunity to vote. Do conservatives think that the right to vote should be purposely made inconvenient?
How exactly does cheating occur with absentee and postal ballots? I suppose nefarious criminal agents could produce tens of thousands of counterfeit ballots, copying all the security measures and all containing the individual identification codes for every single voter and then have these signed by volunteers who have copies of the signatures of each individual voter so that convincing forgeries can be achieved. This seems rather tedious. And easily detectable when ballot counters notice multiple ballots from an individual voter, as all ballots must be matched with the name of a registered voter.
And I know that official ballots are sometimes mistakenly sent to the addresses of dead voters. Besides being relatively easy to detect if someone were to try to use the ballot, how many of these ballots would even find their way into the hands of people who wish to commit voter fraud? Post offices regularly return undeliverable mail sent to people who no longer reside at a certain address. It's difficult to see how the ballots of dead voters could be used to significantly affect the results of an election. Any abuse would be prevented if more were invested in accurately monitoring, maintaining, and revising the official voter rolls.
And yes, I agree that it's possible that someone in a dysfunctional household might be compelled by someone else in the household to fill out a ballot in a certain way and sign it. However, it would be just as possible for someone in a dysfunctional household to simply forbid another household member to vote. One wonders how many members of these dysfunctional households are so civic-minded that they are invested enough in election results to actually commit voter fraud. I'm sure it happens, but not on the organized level necessary to affect election results.
Quote:(...) and the laws being introduced by conservatives are designed to fix that.
Fix what?
No evidence of widespread voter fraud has been produced in any of the last few presidential elections.