hightor wrote:
You seem to be saying that there is no afterlife of any sort.
Is that what you are saying?
It's not a belief that I hold.
Or are you saying that there may be an afterlife of some sort, but that there is no proof or unambiguous evidence of it?
No, I'm not saying that. It's so amorphous — if someone wants to say that I'd be inclined to simply let the comment pass. One could speculate on the existence all sorts of beings according to the form of that particular question. Why is speculating on the possibility of an afterlife any more important than imagining a planet where animals can talk and keep humans as pets?
Quote:Since I am only asking you to clarify what you are attempting to communicate...why are you not answering them?
Because I have a life offline and had other things to do this morning.
I guess the only question I have for you, more of an observation, is that discussing the possibility of an invisible god (or gods) that we can't perceive and which never interferes in human affairs or acts as human beings would expect it to act seems like a way to reduce the subject to total irrelevance. It certainly doesn't inspire worship or devotion. Whether such a being exists , can or cannot exist, or doesn't exist at all is hardly worth discussing, let alone arguing over.
Allow me to deal with that last "observation."
In my opinion, not only is the question "Are there any gods?" worth discussing...it is, once again in my opinion, THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION any of us can be asking of each other. (More on that in a second.)
Obviously I am of the opinion that the question cannot be answered...and I extend that to "Is it more likely that at least one god exists than that none exist?"...which I also suppose to be unanswerable.
Why do I think it important (VERY, VERY important)? Because until we all get to the point where we acknowledge that we do not know...and probably CANNOT know either of those things...we will never clean up the many messes created by some people (many, actually) abusing the right to "believe" in a god and being willing to kill others who do not.
It is my opinion that the preponderance of war and hatred starts at the level of "deity worship" that gets out of control. Let me stress that not all people who are into deity worship allow themselves to become monsters in the name of their deity, but lots do. Some even do it on a subconscious level.
People who claim there are no gods...or that it is more likely that there are no gods than that there is at least one...can never be successful at dealing with that problem. All people like you do is to say that the question can be answered reasonably...and that you have the answer.
There is no way to get to the answers through reason or logic or math or science, Hightor. One cannot use reason, logic, math, or science to concluse:
There is at least one god;
There are no gods;
It is more likely that there is at least one god than that there are none;
It is more likely that there are no gods than that there is at least one.
Humanity has to learn that.
That is why I think it is important to discuss it.