hightor wrote:
Quote:So what? Are murder victims "less dead" if their murderer had to expend more effort killing them?
The concern is the increasing frequency of mass shootings in the USA. In 2019, nearly 10,000 murder victims were killed by firearms (mostly handguns), as opposed to less than 1,500 by knives. The fact is, it's simply easier to lethally employ a firearm as no physical contact with the victim is necessary.
The "less dead" argument is a red herring; it's the growing number of fatal shootings which affect public safety. The lethality of firearms and their ease of use results in the high numbers we see.
I know you already know what I’m going to write next. But I think it bears repeating, if only for the sake of all our collective senses of sanity, and not feeling as if we’re stuck in a perpetual deja vu from hell:
It doesn’t matter how many times we quote statistics about gun deaths to Oralloy. Half the US population could get gunned down. He’d dispute the numbers, say it’s fake news or just ignore it altogether. In his world, guns good - gun control bad.
It doesn’t matter how many times you spell out for him the very simple reality that it’s easier to kill more people quickly with a gun than with a knife. To anyone operating with rudimentary tools of reason and common sense, this is clear. To Oralloy,”reason” and “common sense” are just trick words used by progressives.
I understand why we keep trying to tell him these things. Our options are to keep repeating them to him, or just ignore him. How else to deal with someone proven impervious to reason, and determined to disrupt? Like the school teachers who find themselves neglecting their whole class because they have to manage the needs of the difficult child, we’re stuck with Oralloy.
I can only hope no one gets so discouraged by the sense of uselessness that comes from attempting to discuss guns with the gun-addled ( or police brutality with the police-addled, or racial injustice with the race-addled, or x with the x-addled) that they stop bothering to share their ideas on the subject with the rest of us.