maxdancona wrote:
izzythepush wrote:
You clearly delight in using racist language, there’s no point trying explain anything.
Yes, I delight in language in general.
If you really want to get me going... use the word "Latinx". A word that is ironically both politically correct AND culturally insensitive.
Getting rid of "racist language" does not get rid of racism. It might have the opposite effect by covering up racist ideas instead of confronting them.
Having an actual discussion about race is difficult because there are different sides. There isn't one narrative, when White people in poverty point out that they have been locked out of opportunity too, it makes the discussion complicated. There isn't just one side.
Liberals want a simple narrative where if they control language and stamp out ideas they can build a just utopian society where no one is offended. The real discussion that needs to happen is far more complex.
In reality things aren't that black and white.