Sun 8 Nov, 2020 12:18 pm
Far away but very near
An ageless Kitten sat;
Very cute with tender paws
And an ageless Kitten's hat;
He was a god, lived in a cave,
Now angels, fancy that!
Cute little meows he meowed all day;
He did not need to play;
He filled the cave with tiny meows,
Very near but far away.
Far away but very near
Walked a young man who was lost;
In his dreams he turned and tossed;
His every move came at a cost.
He wander-ed alone in deserts
For fully forty years;
He paid for a turbulent life
With a million tears.
He knew he had a loving heart
And that another was somewhere;
His best was just not good enough,
Now he was dying in the rough.
Far away but very near
His ageless Kitten mewed
As if the Cat did cry to him
"I'm here you crazy dude!"
The man he knew something was up;
He stopped and listened here --
He heard a cry right inside him,
Very far but very near.
In stillness now he hears his Friend,
Who keeps him right on track;
For Kitten-Master and His slave
There is no turnng back.
It was most def-i-nite-ly queer
That far away was very near!