You need to be more specific for graphic artists (I am not one) to answer. It's not clear what you want.
Do you know how the real negative looks like

It looks like a circle and you have to make it straight in order to see it
You mean the strip of film that curls?
I don't think there is an easy effect for you to do that, so explaining how to do it might mean teaching you graphics here on the spot.
I personally know little about graphics and can't help you there, but I also think it might be a bit much to ask from those who do.
Edit: I asked our graphic artist, she said you can just bend it a bit with filters but that anything else would be much more complicated (you also might need 3D imaging programs).
thank u dear
I hope .. she can give me the filter's name
I'll do this for you for free. Post the picture for me.. and I'll post back with the negative.
I've learned alot here, and would like to give back.
thanxxx a lot SwordfishCentral
but i need to learn how to do it !
can you give me the tutorial.. and I will try it