These men were innocent, after spending years in prison the real culprit confessed to the crime.
Their innocence is established.
This is not about how you would have acted had you been the arresting officer, it’s about a serious miscarriage of justice.
You are talking about real people, innocent people, people who have served time in prison for a crime they did not commit, and now you are casting aspersions on their character, implying they must be guilty of something because they’re black and out after dark.
That is how racists think. Now I know you don’t consider yourself racist, most racists don’t.
Now you have a choice, you can try to see why people would consider you racist, and do something about it or you can carry on like before, deny being racist and try to argue the odds.
You are racist, and only you can do something about it. Arguing with me about not being racist isn’t doing something about it. You can pray as much as you like, but unless you change your behaviour people will consider you racist.