Sat 9 Jul, 2005 11:36 am
" i live in water ,if you cut my head i am at your door,if you cut my tail im a fruit, if you cut both then im with you" who am i?
Re: if you cut my head...
rohitbcl wrote:" i live in water ,if you cut my head i am at your door,if you cut my tail im a fruit, if you cut both then im with you" who am i?
You said it's a fruit. Pear?
I am sure rohit would have got it as an SMS recently. Anyway markr, thanks for the answer. By the way, i enjoyed your solutions for the wizard and 5 hats(3 white and 2 black) riddle.
Solong chum,
Plaese explain: the second line "if you cut my head i am at your door" = earl
I do not get that.
I don't get it either, but pear made me think of pearl, and although earl doesn't seem to make sense, it is a word.
I doubt that it is right. That's why I added the question mark.
ttas the rigght answer mate!
earl something like a flower pot which people keep at their door..
is anyone able to get an answer for this...sounds very interesting