Your response reeks of white privilege.
Cable Street is a residential area, the Fascists weren’t marching on Parliament, they were going to where people lived to cause trouble.
This only happens to minorities, you don’t get Black Panthers marching through gated communities threatening to get Whitey.
It only happens to minorities, it’s only minorities who have to put up with harassment and intimidation. Your even applaud such harassment saying it’s good the Nazis are provocative.
And it’s so easy for you to speak in the abstract about something that will never happen to you. If a group of people held a demonstration outside your house calling you a **** and handing out fliers you’d be the first one crying ‘Poor Max,’ and demanding something be done about it.
Let’s face it, a poster can’t even claim to have suffered some form of abuse without you calling them a liar and claiming to have suffered much worse.