Thu 7 Jul, 2005 06:43 pm
or a political group.
Al Queda is a Terrorist Network of cowards
their religion is Muslim which goes against the grain of what Muslim is
all about. They are not politicians.
KiwiChic wrote:.... goes against the grain of what Muslim is
all about. They are not politicians.
what is muslim all about ?
look it up, it will take a long time to write it all out here.
however one part of the Muslim faith is to not 'Injure or dishonor or use
another person without one defiling themselves'
because it is showing contempt for god.
they seem to be good at it
KiwiChic wrote:Al Queda is a Terrorist Network of cowards
their religion is Muslim which goes against the grain of what Muslim is
all about. They are not politicians.
look it up, it will take a long time to write it all out here.
however one part of the Muslim faith is to not 'Injure or dishonor or use
another person without one defiling themselves'
because it is showing contempt for god.
Technically, the religion is Islam and the people who practice it are Muslims. Anything relating to the religion is Islamic.
But yeah, basically, you're right.
Its proved what Ive thought for a long time.
The majority of religious people have religion in their life to gain strength.Others twist it to suit them and dont follow its teachings which leads to a few sick and twisted individuals on a power trip.
Al Queda is a response to the unhealthy and mindless lifestyle of the west. Smoke too much you get cancer, it's logical. Al Queda is a cancer on the heart and lungs of humanity. I don't think it can kill us, but it is malignant, and it should be removed as quickly as can be done. Only, it wouldn't do much good if we remove the heart and lungs while we're at it.
The cynical people among us will no doubt see the oportunity, as is sometimes the case in medicine. The patient is recieving only enough drugs so that the cancer does not kill him, only enough to keep him alive and keep him needing the drugs. This is lucrative for the doctors and the pharmasists. Much like the reality of humanitarian aid, the truth that lurks beneath the blanket of idealism. Keep them alive, hungry and needing, make sure they'll never get the recources to rise from poverty. I'm not saying this is a calculated result, it is just what actually happens quite often.
what % of muslims world wide, do you reckon, support or sympathise with the al qaida?
and what percent support israel's right to exist?
however one part of the Muslim faith is to not 'Injure or dishonor or use
another person without one defiling themselves'
I have heard this, but it seems that it was only applicable to other believers, muslims and not to nonbelievers, infidels.
I have wondered for a long time if the muslim faith has any type of forgiveness in their teachings. It seems that forgiveness is what makes the difference between Christians and those religions that are based on laws.
I believe that one of the greatest stories in the bible is the one where some very religious men bring a harlot, caught in the very act, to Jesus to ask him what they should do with her. The law directs that the harlot should be stoned. The men also hope to discredit Jesus. Jesus claimed to be a man of God, so how could he go against the laws of God and say not to stone her? Yet if he said to stone her then all the things he had been telling people about love and forgiveness would be a lie. These men thought they had Jesus between a rock and a hard place, but then Jesus just turned to them and said, Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Whoohoo. Suddenly the shoe is on the other foot. These men know they are sinners. They know they are no more perfect than this woman they want to stone for sinning. Picking up a stone to cast at her would be like saying that this is a just punishment for sin, but they would then be subject to the same judgement. These men slowly start to disappear until there is only one man left, one man who is so perfect that he can ask for justice without condemning himself. This perfect man, Jesus, asks the woman, Where are your accusers? The woman responds that they are gone. Then Jesus says neither do I accuse you, go and sin no more.
The law hasn't changed. There will be punishment for sin. We are all sinners and have fallen short of the law. What can we do?
Jesus was perfect, he was the son of God. He didn't have to die for his sin. He said that at any time he only had to ask and legions of angels would come to administer justice, but that wasn't what he was here for. Jesus Christ died for your sin. If you accept his death for your sins you will be saved. Let us go forth with kindness and love and forgiveness the way God has forgiven us.
One part of the Muslim faith is to not 'Injure or dishonor or use
another person without one defiling themselves'. It seems to be a lot like what Jesus said- Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.