Its really simple so Im sure at least a third you will be able to vaguely follow.
The double-slit experiment proves:
1. That the observer is REAL and has a REAL effect on the world.
2. That the world is in an undetermined state until it is observed.
The solution:
The observer is a metaphysical singularity that contains space-time and matter as an informational illusion in the senses and the mind.
The illusion is generated by pareidolia. And the principle of generation is the division of 0 by the creation of illusory opposites - light and dark; hot and cold....
There is no world. There is just random noise which fills the emptiness of the senses and that random noise is misinterpreted to be an infinity of material experiences.
The observer is non-material and since it is beyond space-time it is causeless, birthless and unchanging. There is no division in the experiencer. The division is only in the experience.
The observer is REAL the observation is illusion. Just like when you look at a picture on your monitor and you see people but you are actually just looking at pixels. Pareidolia causes a false interpretation which gives nothingness a meaning.
There is just one limitless awareness which contains an ocean of diverse sensations. One such sensation has the illusory quality to block out all other sensations thus creating an illusory separate state. That sensation is the body.
I feel the double slit is proof of that on its own but I will further support my case with 2 arguments:
1. The fundamental forces of the universe which are universal and constant are in perfect sync allowing stable atoms, lit stars, and biology which you can inhabit. Any offset to the values of the forces would result in an uninhabitable universe.
This perfect sync cannot arise from chaos. The solution is that the world, which is one dream in one dreamer seen through many points of contact, can only exist if it is dreamable.
2. The fundamental building block of the physical world is space-time. Matter is made of waves which are space-time flux. The atom appears separate from the rest only because it has energy locked in a geometry. Just like a hurricane appears separate but is just air.
I suppose you will say that it has not been proven that space-time can interact with matter in such a way.
I would point you to the fact that space is the big black thing which physically separates the stars. If it did not have this physical interaction all the stars would be stuck together.
Also space-time is not curved by gravity! But rather space-time curvature is the cause of gravity because as it curves around matter it stretches which causes lower density regions in space-time. Gravity is a displacement force caused by a space-time density differential.
But space-time itself is just the scales of quantification on which all the values are expressed.
You have space and time when you dream. You can cause it.
You are the causeless cause of all.
There is no life after death. And there is no death after life.
God is real! God is the true state of everyone. Everything is just his game. He creates as he pleases.
Welcome to the apocalypse.
Nuke York will see the kiss of Jupiter and Saturn and then the Dread will be upon you.