The 'numbers game' was not started by gentiles, madam. And if this Holocaust was so evil, why did not it get even cursory mention in Churchill's volumes and volumes and volumes about WWII. Ditto, DeGaulle, Stalin, Eisenhower. To me, those omissions are more than significant.
The American Jewish Committee said that there were more Jews, worldwide, in 1948, than there were in 1938!!! This says quite something in that 40% of the "lost" Jews was something that that Committee seems not to have cared a whit about. Perhaps your desperate need to denigrate me, Miss Push, provides the foundation for your invective. And I do resent being called anti-Semitic when all I am doing is relating facts.
The Red Cross was completely embedded into the camps. Why did they not protest as they "saw" the mass murder of Jews????
The flimsy door to the Auschwitz "gas chamber" would have killed the Nazi personnel as well, as there was no sealant, no provision for protecting those OUTSIDE of the chamber. The single pane glass window on that Auschwitz door is almost laughable, as well. Out of 6,000,000 Jews being gassed, not ONE smashed that window?????? Why do I bring up the "gas chamber", Miss Push? Because the Jews never stop screaming about it, that is why.
When Menachem Begin said at the turn of the 21st century that there were 1,000,000 Holocaust survivors still living, how many must have been living fifty-five long years before 2000? About 6,000,000? Good statistical guess, Miss Push!!!
The Holocaust deniers always focus upon the gas chambers because the Jews never stop talking about them, Never. Never, Never. And the way the Israelis treat the Palestinians, who were living in Palestine for 1,000 years, in complete harmony with Jews, speaks powerfully of the duplicity of the self-promoting Zionist, that same Zionist who supported and defended the Armenian genocide at the highest levels of the Turkish government. Miss Push, do you consider that statement to be anti-Semitic? If you do, then take your issue with the Times of Israel who wrote about this disgusting course of evens in their 7 SEP 2018 issue, without covering up the infamy in order to make these Zionist Jews seem less guilty. The link is here and, hopefully, will not be removed by the moderator:
If the link does get removed, you have the date and publication. Try calling the Times of Israel anti-Semitic, Miss Pushy Push. Try calling the Jewish-owned New York Times anti-Semitic, Miss Push. I don't get pushed around by people who are duplicitous. I DO get pushed around by people who convince me of my errors. You have not made a dent, Miss Push. - David Lyga